Sampling Methods and Distribution Functions for the Ising Model

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Documentation for package ‘IsingSampler’ version 0.2.3

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IsingSampler-package Sampling methods and distribution functions for the Ising model
EstimateIsing non-regularized estimation methods for the Ising Model
EstimateIsingBi non-regularized estimation methods for the Ising Model
EstimateIsingLL non-regularized estimation methods for the Ising Model
EstimateIsingPL non-regularized estimation methods for the Ising Model
EstimateIsingUni non-regularized estimation methods for the Ising Model
IsingEntrophy Entropy of the Ising Model
IsingLikelihood Likelihood of all states from tractible Ising model.
IsingPL Pseudo-likelihood
IsingSampler Sample states from the Ising model
IsingStateProb Likelihood of single state from tractible Ising model.
IsingSumLikelihood Likelihood of sumscores from tractible Ising model.
LinTransform Transform parameters for linear transformations on response catagories