buildStabilityTable | Finds how many iterations are necessary to achieve stability in resampling method. |
buildStabilityTableForCorrelation | Finds how many iterations are necessary to achieve stability in resampling method for rectifying I through pearson corrrelation. |
calculateDistMatrixFromBoard | Calculates the distance in a chessboard-alike structure. |
calculateEuclideanDistance | Given a 2D data structure, it calculates the euclidean distance among all the points. |
calculateLocalI | Computing the Local Moran's I |
calculateManhattanDistance | Calculates the manhattan distance. |
calculateMoranI | Calculates the Moran's I using the algorithm proposed by Chen (Chen 2013). |
calculatePvalue | p-value calculation. |
calculateWeightedDistMatrix | Calculates a weighted representation of the distance matrix. |
convexHull | Plots the convexhull polygon from the data (latitude, longitude), and calculates the center of the convexhull and its area. |
coor | Transforms a x,y position in a cartesian plane into a position in a 1D array. |
expectedValueI | Calculates the expected value for local I |
iCorrection | Scaling process for Moran's I. |
ItoPearsonCorrelation | Calculate the equivalence r from the I percentile in the I-Null Distribution. |
loadChessBoard | Loads a chessboard or matrix alike input file. |
loadDistanceMatrix | Loads a distance matrix. Instead of computing the distance from latitute and longitude 'LoadDistanceMatrix' Loads the distance matrix, avoiding computing it from latitude and longitude. |
loadFile | Loads a file with latitude, longitude and variable of interest |
loadSatelliteImage | Loads a Satellite image in PNG format |
localICorrection | Scaling process for Local Moran's I. |
nullDristribution | Calculate a distribution of how the var of interest is correlated to a |
plotHistogramOverlayCorrelation | Creates an overlay of the histogram of the data and the theorical normal distribution. |
plotHistogramOverlayNormal | Creates an overlay of the histogram of the data and the theorical normal distribution. |
procrustes | Procrustes distance between two surfaces |
rectifyIrho | Rectify I using a correlation method for all the variables in an input file. |
resamplingI | Calculates n permutations of the variable of interest to calculate n different I in order to create the Null distribution. |
resamplingLocalI | Calculates n permutations of the variable of interest to calculate n different I in order to create the Null distribution. |
rescaleI | Performs the rescale for all the variables in an input file. |
saveFile | Saves a report with important statistics to describe the sample. |
standardize | Standardize the input vector |
standardizedByColumn | Scales a matrix by column. |
summaryLocalIVector | Calculates statistic for the received Matrix. |
summaryVector | Calculates statistic for the received vector. |
transformImageToList | Transforms the image in the object need it to run the analysis. |
transformImageToMatrix | Transforms the image to a matrix. |