Calculate and Rectify Moran's I

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Documentation for package ‘Irescale’ version 2.3.0

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buildStabilityTable Finds how many iterations are necessary to achieve stability in resampling method.
buildStabilityTableForCorrelation Finds how many iterations are necessary to achieve stability in resampling method for rectifying I through pearson corrrelation.
calculateDistMatrixFromBoard Calculates the distance in a chessboard-alike structure.
calculateEuclideanDistance Given a 2D data structure, it calculates the euclidean distance among all the points.
calculateLocalI Computing the Local Moran's I
calculateManhattanDistance Calculates the manhattan distance.
calculateMoranI Calculates the Moran's I using the algorithm proposed by Chen (Chen 2013).
calculatePvalue p-value calculation.
calculateWeightedDistMatrix Calculates a weighted representation of the distance matrix.
convexHull Plots the convexhull polygon from the data (latitude, longitude), and calculates the center of the convexhull and its area.
coor Transforms a x,y position in a cartesian plane into a position in a 1D array.
expectedValueI Calculates the expected value for local I
iCorrection Scaling process for Moran's I.
ItoPearsonCorrelation Calculate the equivalence r from the I percentile in the I-Null Distribution.
loadChessBoard Loads a chessboard or matrix alike input file.
loadDistanceMatrix Loads a distance matrix. Instead of computing the distance from latitute and longitude 'LoadDistanceMatrix' Loads the distance matrix, avoiding computing it from latitude and longitude.
loadFile Loads a file with latitude, longitude and variable of interest
loadSatelliteImage Loads a Satellite image in PNG format
localICorrection Scaling process for Local Moran's I.
nullDristribution Calculate a distribution of how the var of interest is correlated to a
plotHistogramOverlayCorrelation Creates an overlay of the histogram of the data and the theorical normal distribution.
plotHistogramOverlayNormal Creates an overlay of the histogram of the data and the theorical normal distribution.
procrustes Procrustes distance between two surfaces
rectifyIrho Rectify I using a correlation method for all the variables in an input file.
resamplingI Calculates n permutations of the variable of interest to calculate n different I in order to create the Null distribution.
resamplingLocalI Calculates n permutations of the variable of interest to calculate n different I in order to create the Null distribution.
rescaleI Performs the rescale for all the variables in an input file.
saveFile Saves a report with important statistics to describe the sample.
standardize Standardize the input vector
standardizedByColumn Scales a matrix by column.
summaryLocalIVector Calculates statistic for the received Matrix.
summaryVector Calculates statistic for the received vector.
transformImageToList Transforms the image in the object need it to run the analysis.
transformImageToMatrix Transforms the image to a matrix.