Operating on Integer-Bounded Intervals

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Documentation for package ‘IntervalSurgeon’ version 1.3

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IntervalSurgeon-package Operating on Integer-Bounded Intervals
annotate Annotate one set of intervals with the names of those which intersect with the other
breaks Get break points for set of intervals
covered Determine whether each interval in a given set are intersected/covered by intervals in another set
depth Depth of piled intervals
detached_sorted_nonempty Check intervals are detached, sorted and non-empty.
flatten Flatten a set of intervals
intersected Determine whether each interval in a given set are intersected/covered by intervals in another set
intersects Compute overlaps of two sets of detached and sorted intervals
IntervalSurgeon Operating on Integer-Bounded Intervals
join Get all overlapping tuples of intervals from multiple sets
overlaps Compute overlaps of two sets of detached and sorted intervals
pile Get IDs of intervals covering each sub-interval
proportion_overlap Calculate proportion overlapping of intersecting intervals
sections Get the sections from a set of interval breaks
setdiffs Compute overlaps of two sets of detached and sorted intervals
stitch Stich together touching intervals and remove empty intervals
unions Compute overlaps of two sets of detached and sorted intervals