Compute Chi-Square Measures with Corrections

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Documentation for package ‘Interatrix’ version 1.1.4

Help Pages

calcInfectProba Internal functions for the Interatrix package.
chi2Corr Searches for parasite interactions taking risk factors into account.
chi2CorrAge Searches for parasite interactions taking the cumulative effect of age and other risk factors into account.
chi2corrboot Internal functions for the Interatrix package.
dataInteratrix A generated data set for test
EstimParam Internal functions for the Interatrix package.
InteratrixGUI Function to start the graphical interface
list2ascii Internal functions for the Interatrix package.
ModelClass Internal functions for the Interatrix package.
obsdata_chi2corr Internal functions for the Interatrix package.
obsdata_chi2corrage Internal functions for the Interatrix package.
SensTransMatrix Internal functions for the Interatrix package.
simudata_chi2corr Internal functions for the Interatrix package.
simudata_chi2corrage Internal functions for the Interatrix package.