compute.threshold | Computing threshold used in 'inspect' |
cusum.transform | CUSUM transformation |
cusum.transform.missing | MissCUSUM transformation of a matrix with missing entries |
cusum.univariate.missing | MissCUSUM transformation of a single vector with missing entries |
inspect | Informative sparse projection for estimation of changepoints (inspect) |
locate.change | Single changepoint estimation |
locate.change.missing | Single changepoint estimation with missing data |
multi.change | Generating a high-dimensional time series with multiple changepoints |
PiS | Matrix projection onto the nuclear norm unit sphere |
PiW | Projection onto the standard simplex |
plot.hdchangeseq | Plot function for 'hdchangeseq' class |
plot.inspect | Plot function for 'inspect' class objects |
print.inspect | Print function for 'inspect' class objects |
printPercentage | Print percentage |
random.UnitVector | Generate a random unit vectors in R^n |
rescale.variance | Noise standardisation for multivariate time series. |
single.change | Generating high-dimensional time series with exactly one change in the mean structure |
sparse.svd | Computing the sparse leading left singular vector of a matrix |
sparse.svd.missing | Computing the sparse leading left singular vector of a matrix with missing entries |
summary.inspect | Summary function for 'inspect' class objects |
vector.clip | Clipping a vector from above and below |
vector.norm | Norm of a vector |
vector.normalise | Normalise a vector |
vector.soft.thresh | Soft thresholding a vector |