screening {InferenceSMR}R Documentation

A population of size 10,000 for a screening program


This dataset contains a simulated population of size 10,000. The population was simulated as described in Talbot et al (2011).




A data frame with 10000 observations on the following 12 variables.


Year at which the person would become a participant in the screening program


Age at which the person would become a participant in the screening program


Year at which the disease onset would happen for a non-participant


Indicator variable that has a value of 1 if the non-participant dies from the screened disease, 0 otherwise.


Age at which the person is eligible to the screening program for the first time


Year at which the person is eligible to the screening program for the first time


Follow-up time for a non-participant after the disease onset


Follow-up time as participant in the screening program


Indicator variable that has a value of 1 if the individual eventually became a participant in the screening program, 0 otherwise


Indicator variable that has a value of 1 if the disease onset happens while the person is a non-participant


Year at which the follow-up ends


Indicator variable that has a value of 1 if the participants dies from the screened disease, 0 otherwise.


Note that even though there are no missing values in the dataset, some events do not occur. For example, if yearsSCN has a greater value than end, then the inidividual never becomes a participant.


require(survival); #load survival package;
head(screening); #Data to be used in the example;
NB = nrow(screening); #Sample size

#Be careful with R round function. If it was used to obtain discrete value, then
#fuzz option should be used for expected and expected variance 
yearSCN<-screening[i,1]; #Year at which the woman started participating
ageSCN<-screening[i,2]; #Age at which the woman started participating
yearONS<-screening[i,3]; #Year of breast cancer diagnosis
deathBC<-screening[i,4]; #Death by breast cancer indicator for non-participating woman.
ageFL<-screening[i,5]; #Age at which the woman became eligible
yearFL<-screening[i,6]; #Year at which the woman became eligible
followONS<-screening[i,7]; #Follow-up time after disease onset for a non-participant
followSCN<-screening[i,8]; #Follow-up time as a participant in the screening program
particip<-screening[i,9]; #Indicator that the woman participated into the screening
                          #program at some point
Onset<-screening[i,10]; #Indicator that the non-participating woman got breast cancer
end<-screening[i,11]; #year of eligibility end.
deathSCN<-screening[i,12]; #Death by breast cancer indicator for participating woman.

nb_onset=length(Onset[Onset==1]); #Number of women with breast cancer

#Objects that will containt covariates for the Cox model

year[yearONS[Onset==1] <= 3] = 1; #Indicator that diagnosis happened before year 3
year[yearONS[Onset==1] > 3] = 0; #Indicator that diagnosis happened before year 3
age1[ageSCN[Onset==1] < 55] = 1; #Indicator that age at diagnosis is smaller than 55
age1[ageSCN[Onset==1] >= 55] = 0; #Indicator that age at diagnosis is smaller than 55
age2[ageSCN[Onset==1] >= 55 & ageSCN[Onset==1] < 60] = 1; #... >= 55 and < 60
age2[ageSCN[Onset==1] < 55 | ageSCN[Onset==1] >= 60] = 0; #... >= 55 and < 60
age3[ageSCN[Onset==1] >= 60 & ageSCN[Onset==1] < 65] = 1; #... >= 60 and < 65
age3[ageSCN[Onset==1] < 60 | ageSCN[Onset==1] >= 65] = 0; #... >= 60 and < 65
age4[ageSCN[Onset==1] >= 65 & ageSCN[Onset==1] < 70] = 1; #... >= 65 and < 70
age4[ageSCN[Onset==1] < 65 | ageSCN[Onset==1] >= 70] = 0; #... >= 65 and < 70 = data.frame(followONS = followONS[Onset == 1], deathBC = deathBC[Onset == 1],
year, age1, age2, age3, age4);
x<-coxph(Surv(time = followONS, event = deathBC, type = 'right')~ year + age1 + age2 + age3 + age4,
data =, method="breslow",control=coxph.control(iter.max=100))

#Creating a matrix with many more lines than what will be used

#Creating a matrix containing data in a new form.
#Each line contains stable covariates, so that a
#given individual might be divided on many lines.
#For example, if only the covariate age is used for incidence and survival, 
#an individual followed for 3.4 years that was 54.6 years at the begining 
#of the study should be entered as follow:

#start_follow, end_follow, incid_cov, surv_cov, follow_up
#0   0.4 54 54 3.4
#0.4 1.4 55 55 3.4
#1.4 2.4 56 56 3.4
#2.4 3.4 57 57 3.4

for(i in seq(1,length(ageFL))[particip==1])
        X = followSCN[i];
        dep_t = yearSCN[i];
        age_t = ageSCN[i];
        while(dep_t - yearSCN[i] < X)
                Y = min(floor(age_t) + 1 - age_t, floor(dep_t) + 1 - dep_t);
                if(dep_t - yearSCN[i] + Y >= X)
                        new_data[r,]<-c(floor(age_t), floor(dep_t), age_t < 55,
                        (age_t >= 55 && age_t < 60),
                        (age_t >= 60 && age_t < 65), (age_t >=65 && age_t <70), 
                        dep_t < 3, dep_t - yearSCN[i], X, followSCN[i]);
                        new_data[r,]<-c(floor(age_t), floor(dep_t), age_t < 55,
                        (age_t >= 55 && age_t < 60),
                        (age_t >= 60 && age_t < 65), (age_t >=65 && age_t <70),
                        dep_t < 3, dep_t - yearSCN[i], dep_t - yearSCN[i] + Y, followSCN[i]);
                dep_t = dep_t + Y;
                age_t = age_t + Y;
                r = r + 1;

#Calculate incidences with incidences function:
#follow up time as non-participant:
follow_up = apply(cbind(end - yearFL,yearONS - yearFL,yearSCN - yearFL),1,min);
incid = incidences(50,75,0,5,follow_up,ageFL,yearFL,Onset);

#Calculate contributions with contrib function:
start_follow = new_data[,8];
end_follow = new_data[,9];
incid_cov = new_data[,c(2,1)];
surv_cov = data.frame(new_data[,c(7,3,4,5,6)]); 
follow_up = new_data[,10];
increment = 0.5;

#Remove following "#" to run example : 

#contribution = contrib(start_follow, end_follow, incid_cov, surv_cov,
#follow_up, increment);
#est.expDeath(contribution,incid,x,fuzz = 0.01, 
#covnames = c("year", "age1", "age2", "age3", "age4"));

#Estimating the variance can be very long even in this small sample example, e.g. a few hours.
#Remove the "#" to run example:
#var.expDeath(contribution,incid,x,fuzz = 0.01, 
#covnames = c("year", "age1", "age2", "age3", "age4"));

#Estimating the variance can be very long even in this small sample example, e.g. a few hours.
#Remove the "#" to run example:

#results = inference.SMR(obs.death = sum(deathSCN), normal = c("smr", "log-smr", "root-smr"),
#        alpha = 0.05, contribution, incid, cox = x, fuzz = 0.01, Poisson = TRUE,
#  covnames =  c("annees", "age1", "age2", "age3", "age4"));

#********  INFERENCE ABOUT THE SMR  ********* 
#Observed =  18  Expected =  33.44264 
#Obs.var. =  18  Exp.var. =  39.38153 
#SMR =  0.5382351 
# 95 % Confidence intervals with normality assumption at : 
#The SMR level : ( 0.2204119 0.8560583 )
#The log-SMR level : ( 0.2982118 0.9714471 )
#The root-SMR level : ( 0.2673299 0.9029762 )

#[1] 33.44264
#[1] 18
#            2
#[1,] 39.38153
#[1] 0.5400112
#              2
#[1,] 0.02629511
#[1] 0.2204119 0.8560583
#              2
#[1,] 0.09076763
#[1] 0.2982118 0.9714471
#              2
#[1,] 0.01221358
#[1] 0.2673299 0.9029762

[Package InferenceSMR version 1.0.2 Index]