IndexNumber-package | Index Numbers in Social Sciences |
ActivePeople | Economically active people in Spain from 2002 to 2019. |
aggregated.index.number | Calculate an aggregate index number |
ECResources | Combustibles and energy resources for the main home in Spain from 2006 to 2015. |
edgeworth.index.number | Calculate the Edgeworth index number |
fisher.index.number | Calculate the Fisher index number |
Food | Food in Spain from 2006 to 2015. |
index.number.chain | Calculate an index number in chain |
index.number.serie | Calculate an index number in serie |
IndexNumber | Index Numbers in Social Sciences |
laspeyres.index.number | Calculate the Laspeyres index number |
Mortgages | Mortgages constituted on urban properties in Spain from 2003 to 2018. |
paasche.index.number | Calculate the Paasche index number |