Index Number Calculation

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Documentation for package ‘IndexNumR’ version 0.6.0

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CESData Generate data assuming CES preferences
CES_sigma_2 Dataset of prices and quantities on four products
dominicksData Get data from the Dominicks dataset
DominicksWeeks Date information for the Dominicks data
elasticity Computes the elasticity of substitution
evaluateMatched Evaluate product overlap between periods
GEKSIndex Compute a GEKS multilateral index
GKIndex Compute the Geary-Khamis index
groupIndexes Calculate price indexes for product groups
imputeCarryPrices Fill all missing prices with carry forward/backward prices
imputeQuantities Impute quantities when only prices are available
maximumSimilarityLinks Finds periods to link using minimum dissimilarity.
mixScaleDissimilarity Computes mix, scale and absolute dissimilarity measures
monthIndex Generate an index of months
predictedShares Predicted shares for predicted share relative price dissimilarity
priceIndex Computes a bilateral price index
priceIndicator Calculate a price indicator
productChanges Product ID's for appearing/disappearing products
quantityIndex Computes a bilateral quantity index
quantityIndicator Compute a quantity indicator
quarterIndex Generate an index of quarters
relativeDissimilarity Computes measures of relative dissimilarity between all periods
shares Compute expenditure shares for each product and time period
unitValues Aggregates prices to unit values and quantities to sums
valueDecomposition valueDecomposition
values Compute values (price x quantity)
weekIndex Generate an index of weeks
WTPDIndex Compute a weighted time-product-dummy multilateral index
yearIndex Generate an index of years
yearOverYearIndexes Estimate year-over-year indexes