Estimate Incidence and Prevalence using the OMOP Common Data Model

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Documentation for package ‘IncidencePrevalence’ version 0.7.2

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benchmarkIncidencePrevalence Run benchmark of incidence and prevalence analyses
bindIncidenceEstimates Bind multiple incidence estimates into a single set of estimates
bindPrevalenceEstimates Bind multiple prevalence estimates into a single set of estimates
estimateIncidence Collect population incidence estimates
estimatePeriodPrevalence Estimate period prevalence
estimatePointPrevalence Estimate point prevalence
exportIncidencePrevalenceResults Export IncidencePrevalence results
generateDenominatorCohortSet Identify a set of denominator populations
generateTargetDenominatorCohortSet Identify a set of denominator populations using a target cohort
incidenceAttrition Attrition associated with an incidence analysis
incidenceSet Settings associated with an incidence analysis
mockIncidencePrevalenceRef Generate example subset of the OMOP CDM for estimating incidence and prevalence
participants Participants contributing to an analysis
plotIncidence Plot incidence results
plotPrevalence Plot prevalence results
prevalenceAttrition Attrition associated with an prevalence analysis
prevalenceSet Settings associated with a prevalence analysis