rundtw {IncDTW}R Documentation



Detect recurring patterns similar to given query pattern by measuring the distance with DTW. A window of the length of the query pattern slides along the longer time series and calculates computation-time-efficiently the DTW distance for each point of time. The function incrementally updates the scaling of the sliding window, incrementally updates the cost matrix, applies the vector-based implementation of the DTW algorithm, early abandons and applies lower bounding methods to decrease the calculation time.


rundtw(Q, C, dist_method = c("norm1", "norm2", "norm2_square"), 
      step_pattern = c("symmetric1", "symmetric2"), k = NULL, 
      scale = c("01", "z", "none"), ws = NULL, threshold = NULL, 
      lower_bound = TRUE, overlap_tol = 0, return_QC = FALSE,
      normalize = c("01", "z", "none"))
## S3 method for class 'rundtw'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'rundtw'
summary(object, ...)




vector or matrix, the query time series


vector or matrix (equal number of columns as Q), the longer time series which is scanned for multiple fits of the query time series. C can also be a list of time series (either all vectors, or all matrices of equal number of columns) with varying lengths. See Details.


see dtw


see dtw, only for "symmetric1" the lower bounding is implemented yet


integer >= 0. If k > 0, then the k-nearest neighbors to the query pattern that are found in all possible sub-sequences of the long time series C are returned. Per default the found fits don't overlap, except the overlap_tol parameter is adjusted (this should be done with care!). If k > 0 then lowerbound is set to TRUE.


character, one of c("01", "z", "none") (default = "01"), if not "none" then Q (once at the start) and C (running scaling) are scaled. Either min-max ("01") or the z-scaling ("z") is applied. TRUE (identical to '01') and FALSE (identical to 'none') are deprecated and will be dropped in the next package version.


see dtw


numeric >= 0, global threshold for early abandoning DTW calculation if this threshold is hit. (also see dtw). If NULL (default) no early abandoning is applied.


logical, (default = TRUE) If TRUE (default) then lower bounding is applied (see Details).


integer between 0 and length of Q, (default = 0) gives the number of observations that two consecutive fits are accepted to overlap.


logical, default = FALSE. If TRUE then Q and C are appended to the return list.


deprecated, use scale instead. If normalize is set, then scale is overwritten by normalize for compatibility.


the output object from rundtw.


any R object


further arguments passed to print or summary.


This function and algorithm was inspired by the work of Sakurai et al. (2007) and refined for running min-max scaling and lower bounding.

Lower Bounding: The following methods are implemented:

Counter vector:

C is a list of time series: If C is a list of time series, the algorithm concatenates the list to one long time series to apply the logic of early abandoning, lower bounding, and finding the kNN. Finally the results are split to match the input. The



vector of DTW distances


named vector of counters. Gives information how the algorithm proceeded. see Details


indices of the found kNN


DTW distances of the found kNN


indices of list entries of C, where to find the kNN. Only returned if C is a list of time series. See examples.

Q, C

input time series



## Not run: 
#--- Simulate a query pattern Q and a longer time series C with
# distorted instances of Q within C. Apply rundtw() do detect 
# these instances of C. 

rw <- function(nr) cumsum(rnorm(nr))
noise <- function(nr) rnorm(nr)
nC <- 500
nQ <- 40
nfits <- 5

nn <- nC - nfits * nQ # length of noise
nn <- nn/nfits + 1

Q <- sin(seq(from = 1, to = 4 * pi, length.out = nQ))
Qscale <- IncDTW::scale(Q, type = "01")
C <- rw(0)
for(i in 1:nfits){
   C <- c(C, rw(nn)  , 
          Q * abs(rnorm(1, 10, 10)) + 
            rnorm(1, 0, 10) + noise(nQ))

# Apply running min-max scaling and allow lower 
# bounding to find the 3 NN
x <- rundtw(Q, C, scale = '01', ws = 10, k = 3, 
            lower_bound = TRUE, return_QC = TRUE)

# Have a look at the result and get the best indices 
# with lowest distance.
find_peaks(x$dist, nQ)
plot(x, scale = "01")

# The fourth and fifth simuated fits are not returned, 
# since the DTW distances are higher than the other found 3 NN. 
# The algorithm early abandons and returns NA for these 
# indices. Get all distances by the following command:
x_all <- rundtw(Q, C, scale = '01', ws = 10, 
                k = 0, lower_bound = FALSE)

# Do min-max-scaling and lower bound
rundtw(Q, C, scale = '01', ws = 10, lower_bound = TRUE)

# Do z-scaling and lower bound
rundtw(Q, C, scale = 'z', ws = 10, lower_bound = TRUE)

# Don't scaling and don't lower bound
rundtw(Q, C, scale = 'none', ws = 10, lower_bound = FALSE)

# kNN: Do z-scaling and lower bound 
rundtw(Q, C, scale = 'z', ws = 10, k = 3)

#--- For multivariate time series
rw <- function(nr, nco) {
        matrix(cumsum(rnorm(nr * nco)), nrow = nr, ncol = nco)

nC <- 500
nQ <- 50
nco <- 2
nfits <- 5

nn <- nC - nfits * nQ# length of noise
nn <- nn/nfits

Q <- rw(nQ, nco)
Qscale <- IncDTW::scale(Q, type="01")
C <- matrix(numeric(), ncol=nco)
for(i in 1:nfits){
   C <- rbind(C, rw(nn, nco), Q)

# Do min-max-scaling and lower bound
rundtw(Q, C, scale = '01', ws = 10, threshold = Inf, 
       lower_bound = TRUE)

# Do z-scaling and lower bound
rundtw(Q, C, scale = 'z', ws = 10, threshold = NULL, 
       lower_bound = TRUE)

# Don't scale and don't lower bound
rundtw(Q, C, scale = 'none', ws = 10, threshold = NULL, 
       lower_bound = FALSE)

#--- C can also be a list of (multivariate) time series. 
# So rundtw() detects the closest fits of a query pattern
# across all time series in C.
nC <- 500
nQ <- 50
nco <- 2
rw <- function(nr, nco){
        matrix(cumsum(rnorm(nr * nco)), nrow = nr, ncol = nco)

Q <- rw(nQ, nco)
C1 <- rbind(rw(100, nco), Q, rw(20, nco))
C2 <- rbind(rw(10, nco), Q, rw(50, nco))
C3 <- rbind(rw(200, nco), Q, rw(30, nco))
C_list <- list(C1, C2, C3)

# Do min-max-scaling and lower bound
x <- rundtw(Q, C_list, scale = '01', ws = 10, threshold = Inf, 
            lower_bound = TRUE, k = 3, return_QC = TRUE)
# Plot the kNN fit of the 2nd or 3rd list entry of C
plot(x, lix = 2)
plot(x, lix = 3)

# Do z-scaling and lower bound
rundtw(Q, C_list, scale = 'z', ws = 10, threshold = Inf, 
       lower_bound = TRUE, k = 3)

# Don't scale and don't lower bound
x <- rundtw(Q, C_list, scale = 'none', ws = 10, 
            lower_bound = FALSE, k = 0, return_QC = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

[Package IncDTW version Index]