ImportExport-package {ImportExport}R Documentation

Import and Export Data


Import and export data from the most common statistical formats by using R functions that guarantee the least loss of the data information, giving special attention to the date variables and the labelled ones.

The package also includes an usefull shiny app called by ImportExportApp which uses all the content of the package to import and export databases in a rather easy way.



Package: ImportExport
Type: Package
Title: Import and Export Data
Version: 1.3
Date: 2020-09-18
Author: Roger Pros, Isaac Subirana, Joan Vila.
Maintainer: Isaac Subirana <>
Description: Import and export data from the most common statistical formats by using R functions that guarantee the least loss of the data information, giving special attention to the date variables and the labelled ones.
Depends: gdata, Hmisc, chron, RODBC
Imports: readxl, writexl, haven, utils
Suggests: shiny, shinyBS, shinythemes, compareGroups, foreign
License: GPL (>= 2)

Index of help topics:

ImportExport-package    Import and Export Data
ImportExportApp         Runs the shiny app
access_export           Export multiple R data sets to Microsoft Office
access_import           Import tables and queries from Microssoft
                        Office Access(.mdb)
excel_export            Export multiple R data sets to Excel
format_corrector        Identify and corrects variable formats
spss_export             Export data to SPSS (.sav) by using
                        runsyntx.exe or pspp.exe
spss_import             Import data set from SPSS (.sav)
table_import            Automatic separator data input
var_view                Summarize variable information


Roger Pros, Isaac Subirana, Joan Vila.

Maintainer: Isaac Subirana <>

See Also



## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

[Package ImportExport version 1.3 Index]