Comtradrclean {ITNr}R Documentation

Comtradr data clean


This function takes (import) trade data downloaded from comtrade - potentially using the comtradr package, cleans it and transforms it into a network. Adding a number of country level attributes to nodes in the network, including: regional partition, GDP, GDP per capita, GDP growth and FDI. However, it is important to note the limits of using comtradr to construct a network. Firstly when downloading the data with comtradr, you must specify reporters and partners – yet you cannot put β€œall” for both – only for either reporters or partners. Then for the other you are limited to a character vector of country names, length five or fewer. Therefore, this will not give you a full network. However, this function can be applied to trade data downloaded from UN Comtrade (download csv and read into R as a dataframe), or any other trade data. You just make sure it has the following column names: reporter_iso, partner_iso, trade_value_usd and year. Some dataformats may have different names. Also - it is important to note that this function is for import data.


Comtradrclean(DF, YEAR, threshold, cutoff)



Dataframe of trade data downloaded (potentially using the comtradr package)




Apply a threshold - TRUE, Extract the backbone - FALSE


Threshold - cutoff level, Backbone - significance level


International Trade Network - igraph object

[Package ITNr version 0.7.0 Index]