IRISMustangMetrics-package |
Utilities for calculating seismic metrics from EarthScope (formerly IRIS DMC) data |
basicStatsMetric |
Min, median, mean, rms variance, max, and number of unique values of a signal |
convertBssErrors |
Generate Human Readable MUSTANG Errors |
correlationMetric |
Correlation between channels |
createBssUrl |
Create URL to retrieve measurements from the MUSTANG BSS |
createBssUrl-method |
Create URL to retrieve measurements from the MUSTANG BSS |
crossCorrelationMetric |
Correlation between channels |
dailyDCOffsetMetric |
DC Offset Detection |
DCOffsetTimesMetric |
DC Offset Detection |
gapsMetric |
Gaps and overlaps in a signal |
GeneralValueMetric-class |
Class '"GeneralValueMetric"' |
getBssMetricList |
Retrieve measurements XML from the MUSTANG BSS and convert them to a metricList |
getBssMetricList-method |
Retrieve measurements XML from the MUSTANG BSS and convert them to a metricList |
getGeneralValueMetrics |
Retrieve measurements from the MUSTANG BSS |
getGeneralValueMetrics-method |
Retrieve measurements from the MUSTANG BSS |
getMetricFunctionMetadata |
Return JSON Metadata for Metric Functions |
getMetricsXml |
Retrieve measurements XML from the MUSTANG BSS |
getMetricsXml-method |
Retrieve measurements XML from the MUSTANG BSS |
getMustangMetrics |
Retrieve measurements from the MUSTANG BSS |
getMustangMetrics-method |
Retrieve measurements from the MUSTANG BSS |
getPsdMetrics |
Retrieve measurements from the MUSTANG BSS |
getPsdMetrics-method |
Retrieve measurements from the MUSTANG BSS |
getSingleValueMetrics |
Retrieve measurements from the MUSTANG BSS |
getSingleValueMetrics-method |
Retrieve measurements from the MUSTANG BSS |
IRISMustangMetrics |
Utilities for calculating seismic metrics from EarthScope (formerly IRIS DMC) data |
maxRangeMetric |
Maximum daily sample range calculated over a rolling window |
metricList2DF |
Convert a MetricList into a Tidy Dataframe |
metricList2DFList |
Conver a metricList into a list of dataframes |
metricList2Xml |
Create XML for the BSS |
MultipleTimeValueMetric-class |
Class '"MultipleTimeValueMetric"' |
PSDMetric |
Power Spectral Density of a signal |
sampleRateChannelMetric |
Sample rate consistency between miniSEED and metadata |
sampleRateRespMetric |
Sample rate consistency between miniSEED and metadata |
saveMetricList |
Save a MetricList as RData or XML |
show-method |
Class '"GeneralValueMetric"' |
show-method |
Class '"MultipleTimeValueMetric"' |
show-method |
Class '"SingleValueMetric"' |
show-method |
Class '"SpectrumMetric"' |
SingleValueMetric |
Class '"SingleValueMetric"' |
SingleValueMetric-class |
Class '"SingleValueMetric"' |
SNRMetric |
Signal to Noise Ratio |
SpectrumMetric |
Class '"SpectrumMetric"' |
SpectrumMetric-class |
Class '"SpectrumMetric"' |
spectrumMetric2Xml |
Convert a SpectrumMetric into XML for the BSS |
spikesMetric |
Find spikes using a rolling Hampel filter |
STALTAMetric |
Maximum STA/LTA of a signal |
stateOfHealthMetric |
State of Health metrics |
timesMetric2Xml |
Create XML for the BSS |
transferFunctionMetric |
Cross-spectral comparison |
upDownTimesMetric |
Up/down times for a channel |