IPPP-package {IPPP}R Documentation

Inhomogeneous Poisson Point Processes


Generates random numbers corresponding to the events on a Poisson point process with changing event rates. This includes the possibility to incorporate additional information such as the number of events occurring or the location of an already known event. It can also generate the probability density functions of specific events in the cases where additional information is available. Based on Hohmann (2019) <arXiv:1901.10754>.



Package: IPPP
Type: Package
Title: Inhomogeneous Poisson Point Processes
Version: 1.1
Date: 2019-05-21
Author: Niklas Hohmann
Maintainer: Niklas Hohmann <Niklas.Hohmann@fau.de>
Description: Generates random numbers corresponding to the events on a Poisson point process with changing event rates. This includes the possibility to incorporate additional information such as the number of events occurring or the location of an already known event. It can also generate the probability density functions of specific events in the cases where additional information is available. Based on Hohmann (2019) <arXiv:1901.10754>.
License: CC BY 4.0
Depends: stats
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr

Index of help topics:

IPPP-package            Inhomogeneous Poisson Point Processes
IPPPcond                Simulate Location of Events for a Fixed Number
                        of Events
IPPPconddens            Conditional Probability Density Given the
                        Location of one Event
IPPPcondrandnum         Generate Events Relative to a Known Event of an
                        Inhomogeneous Poisson Point Process
IPPPinterval            Simulate the Number of Events in an Interval
IPPPnthpointdens        Probability Density of Events in an
                        Inhomogeneous Poisson Point Process
IPPPuncond              Simulate Events according to an Inhomogeneous
                        Poisson Point Process

For the vignette, use vignette("IPPP")


Niklas Hohmann

Maintainer: Niklas Hohmann <Niklas.Hohmann@fau.de>


Hohmann, Niklas. "Conditional Densities and Simulations of Inhomogeneous Poisson Point Processes: The R package "IPPP"" arXiv 2019. <arXiv:1901.10754>

[Package IPPP version 1.1 Index]