produce_other_report {IPEDSuploadables}R Documentation

Produce an upload-compatible txt file from pre-aggregated files


Use this function to create a key-value pair uploadable file from your own prepared dataframes, instead of using a different (provided) produce function. Your dataframes must be prepped to match final submission requirements as laid out by IPEDS (or whatever survey you will use this for. Use this function for one survey at a time, and add a separate dataframe for each part to the ... argument. See vignette for more details.


produce_other_report(..., survey = "MySurvey", part = "AllParts")



dataframes (one for each survey part, in order)


string with the survey name you'd like in your filename


string with the part name (subname) you'd like your file name


txt file on your computer with the title [survey]_[part]_[today's date].txt


You must name the arguments for survey and part if using non-default value. If the arguments are unnamed, the function will assume their values are additional dataframes.


#With built-in R data
produce_other_report(mtcars[1:5,], iris[1:5,], ToothGrowth[1:5,], survey = 'FakeSurvey')

#Will not execute properly (argument unnamed)
#produce_other_report(mtcars[1:5,], iris[1:5,], ToothGrowth[1:5,], 'FakeSurvey')

[Package IPEDSuploadables version 2.8.7 Index]