shoots {IPEC}R Documentation

Height Growth Data of Bamboo Shoots


The height growth data of four species of bamboo at the Nanjing Forestry University campus in 2016.




In the data set, there are four variables: Code, LatinName, x and y. Code is used to save the number codes of different bamboo species; LatinName is used to save the Latin names of different bamboo species; x is used to save the investigation times (d) from a specific starting time of growth, and every bamboo has a different starting time of growth; y is used to save the measured aboveground height values (cm).

Code = 1 represents Phyllostachys iridescens, and the starting time (namely x = 0) was defined as 12:00, 3rd April, 2016;

Code = 2 represents Phyllostachys mannii, and the starting time (namely x = 0) was defined as 12:00, 4th April, 2016;

Code = 3 represents Pleioblastus maculatus, and the starting time (namely x = 0) was defined as 12:00, 29th April, 2016;

Code = 4 represents Sinobambusa tootsik, and the starting time (namely x = 0) was defined as 12:00, 18th April, 2016.


Shi, P., Fan, M., Ratkowsky, D.A., Huang, J., Wu, H., Chen, L., Fang, S. and Zhang, C. (2017) Comparison of two ontogenetic growth equations for animals and plants. Ecol. Model. 349, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.01.012


# Choose a species
# 1: Phyllostachys iridescens; 2: Phyllostachys mannii; 
# 3: Pleioblastus maculatus; 4: Sinobambusa tootsik.
ind <- 4
x3  <- shoots$x[shoots$Code == ind]
y3  <- shoots$y[shoots$Code == ind]
plot(x3, y3, cex=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, xlab="Time (d)", ylab="Height (cm)")

[Package IPEC version 1.1.0 Index]