Basic Functions to Check Readability, Consistency, and Content of an Individual Participant Data File

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Documentation for package ‘IPDFileCheck’ version 0.8.1

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calculate_age_from_dob Function to calculate age from date of birth
calculate_age_from_year Function to calculate age from year of birth
check_column_exists Function to check the given column exists
check_col_pattern_colname ############################################################################ Function to check if a given pattern is contained in the column names of a data
check_load_packages Function to check the package is installed, if not install
cohensd Function to find the effect size Cohen's d
convert_date_numeric_stdform Helper function to keep date formats in year-month-date
convert_date_string_stdform Helper function to keep date formats in year-month-date
convert_to_number Function that convert a number represented as character array
descriptive_stats_col_excl_nrcode Function to return descriptive statistics, sum, no of observations, mean, mode. median, range, standard deviation and standard error
get_colno_pattern_colname Function to return the column number if a given pattern is contained in the column names of a data
get_columnno_fornames Function to return the column number for column name
get_contents_cols Function to return the unique contents of the column given the column name
get_effect_size Function to get the effect size
get_mode_from_vector ############################################################################ Function to return mode
get_sem ############################################################################ Function to estimate standard error of the mean
get_summary_gtsummary Function to return the summary table using gtsummary package
get_value_from_codes Function to get the actual value of column content if its coded
keep_required_columns ############################################################################ Function to keep only certain variables
present_mean_sd_rmna_text ############################################################################ Function to present the mean and sd of a data set in the form Mean (SD)
represent_categorical_data_exclude_missing Function to find the number and percentages of categories
represent_categorical_data_forsubgroups Function to find the number and percentages of categories
represent_categorical_data_include_missing Function to find the number and percentages of categories
represent_categorical_textdata Function to represent categorical data in the form - numbers (percentage)
represent_numerical_data_forsubgroups Function to find the number and percentages of categories
return_longitudinal_summary Function to get the longitudinal summary mean and sd
return_subgroup_omitna Function to return a subgroup when certain variable equals the given value while omitting those with NA
return_subgroup_withNA Function to return a subgroup when certain variable equals the given value while omitting those with NA
test_age Function to check the format of 'age' in data
test_columnnames Function to test column names of a data being different from what specified
test_column_contents Function to check the format of column contents
test_data_numeric Function to check the format of a numeric column
test_data_numeric_norange Function to check the format of a numeric column when the values are not bounded
test_data_string Function to check the format of a string column
test_data_string_restriction Function to check the format of a string column when the string values are given
test_file_exist_read Function to throw error on invalid directory or file and if not readable
test_gender Function to check the format of 'gender' column in data