A C F G H I L M N P R S T U W X misc
IP-package | Classes and methods for IP addresses |
anyNA | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
anyNA-method | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
Arith-method | Methods for IP arithmetic |
Arith-methods | Methods for IP arithmetic |
as.character | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
as.character-method | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
as.character-methods | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
as.data.frame-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
as.data.frame.IP | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
as.data.frame.IPr | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
as.data.frame.IPv4 | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
as.data.frame.IPv4r | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
as.data.frame.IPv6 | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
as.data.frame.IPv6r | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
as.integer | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
as.integer-method | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
as.integer-methods | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
as.numeric | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
as.numeric-method | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
as.numeric-methods | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
as.vector | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
as.vector-method | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
as.vector-methods | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
c.IP | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
c.IPr | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
c.IPv4 | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
c.IPv4r | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
c.IPv6 | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
c.IPv6r | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
coerce | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
coerce-method | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
coerce-methods | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
Compare-method | Methods for IP Comparison |
Compare-methods | Methods for IP Comparison |
format | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
format.host | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
format.IP | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
format.IPr | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
format.IPv4 | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
format.IPv4r | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
format.IPv6 | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
format.IPv6r | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
fqdn | host-info |
fromIdna | host-info |
getIdx | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
hi | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
hi-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
host | host-info |
host-class | host-info |
host-method | host-info |
host-methods | host-info |
host.info | host-info |
host.info-method | host-info |
host.info-methods | host-info |
IP | Classes and methods for IP addresses |
ip | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
IP-class | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
ip-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
ip-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
ip.capabilities | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
ip.index | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
ip.index-method | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
ip.intersect | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
ip.intersect-method | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
ip.match | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
ip.match-method | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
ip.order | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
ip.order-method | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
ip.range | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
ip.range-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
ip.range-methods | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
ip.setdiff | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
ip.setdiff-method | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
ip.setequal | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
ip.setequal-method | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
ip.symdiff | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
ip.symdiff-method | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
ip.union | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
ip.union-method | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
ip.version | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
ip.version-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
ip.version-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
ip.version-methods | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
ip.xor | Bitwise operations |
ip.xor-method | Bitwise operations |
ip.xor-methods | Bitwise operations |
ipr | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
IPr-class | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
ipr-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
ipv4 | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
IPv4-class | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
ipv4-method | host-info |
ipv4-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
ipv4-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
ipv4.addr.space | host-info |
ipv4.hostmask | Bitwise operations |
ipv4.netmask | Bitwise operations |
ipv4.recovered | host-info |
ipv4.reserved | host-info |
ipv4.rir | host-info |
ipv4r | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
IPv4r-class | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
ipv4r-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
ipv6 | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
IPv6-class | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
ipv6-method | host-info |
ipv6-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
ipv6-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
ipv6.addr.space | host-info |
ipv6.hostmask | Bitwise operations |
ipv6.netmask | Bitwise operations |
ipv6.reserved | host-info |
ipv6.rir | host-info |
ipv6.unicast | host-info |
ipv6r | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
IPv6r-class | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
ipv6r-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
is.fqdn | host-info |
is.na | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
is.na-method | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
is.numeric-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
is.numeric-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
length | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
length-method | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
lo | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
lo-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
localhost.ip | host-info |
Logic-method | Bitwise operations |
Logic-methods | Bitwise operations |
match | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
match-method | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
match-methods | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
names-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
names.host | host-info |
names.IP | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
names.IPr | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
names.IPv4 | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
names.IPv4r | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
names.IPv6 | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
names.IPv6r | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
names<--method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
names<-.IP | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
names<-.IPr | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
names<-.IPv4 | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
names<-.IPv4r | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
names<-.IPv6 | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
names<-.IPv6r | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
print-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
print-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
print-methods | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
rbind2-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
rbind2-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
rep.IP | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
rep.IPr | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
rep.IPv4 | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
rep.IPv4r | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
rep.IPv6 | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
rep.IPv6r | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
rir.names | host-info |
seq.IPv4r | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
seq.IPv6r | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
show-method | host-info |
show-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
show-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
show-methods | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
toIdna | host-info |
toString | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
toString.host | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
toString.IP | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
toString.IPr | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
toString.IPv4 | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
toString.IPv4r | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
toString.IPv6 | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
toString.IPv6r | Methods for converting IP objects to other representations |
unique | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
unique.IP | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
unique.IPv4 | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
unique.IPv4r | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
unique.IPv6 | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
unique.IPv6r | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
whois | host-info |
xtfrm | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
xtfrm-method | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
xtfrm-methods | Miscellaneous methods and functions for IP classes |
! | Bitwise operations |
!-method | Bitwise operations |
!= | Methods for IP Comparison |
!=-method | Methods for IP Comparison |
%<<% | Bitwise operations |
%<<%-method | Bitwise operations |
%>>% | Bitwise operations |
%>>%-method | Bitwise operations |
& | Bitwise operations |
&-method | Bitwise operations |
+ | Methods for IP arithmetic |
+-method | Methods for IP arithmetic |
- | Methods for IP arithmetic |
--method | Methods for IP arithmetic |
< | Methods for IP Comparison |
<-method | Methods for IP Comparison |
<= | Methods for IP Comparison |
<=-method | Methods for IP Comparison |
== | Methods for IP Comparison |
==-method | Methods for IP Comparison |
> | Methods for IP Comparison |
>-method | Methods for IP Comparison |
>= | Methods for IP Comparison |
>=-method | Methods for IP Comparison |
[-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
[-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
[<--method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
[<--method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges classes |
[[-method | IPv4, IPv6 and IP classes |
^ | Bitwise operations |
^-method | Bitwise operations |
^-methods | Bitwise operations |
| | Bitwise operations |
|-method | Bitwise operations |