Data Analysis Part of 'IOHprofiler'

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A B C D E F G I L M P R S misc

IOHanalyzer-package IOHanalyzer: Data Analysis Part of IOHprofiler

-- A --

arrange S3 sort function for DataSetList
arrange.DataSetList S3 sort function for DataSetList
as.character.DataSet S3 generic as.character operator for DataSet
AUC Area Under Curve (Empirical Cumulative Dsitribution Function)
AUC.ECDF Area Under Curve (Empirical Cumulative Dsitribution Function)

-- B --

bootstrap_RT Bootstrapping for running time samples

-- C --

c.DataSet S3 concatenation function for DataSet
c.DataSetList S3 concatenation function for DataSetList
cat.DataSet S3 generic cat operator for DataSet
change_id Add unique identifiers to each DataSet in the provided DataSetList based on static attributes
check_dsc_configured Verify that the credentials for DSCtool have been set
check_format Check the format of data
clean_DataSetList Clean DataSetList object by concatenating DataSets

-- D --

DataSet Constructor of S3 class 'DataSet'
DataSetList S3 constructor of the 'DataSetList'
dsl Example DataSetList used in tests / examples
dsl_large Larger example DataSetList used in tests / examples

-- E --

ECDF Empirical Cumulative Dsitribution Function of Runtime of a single data set
ECDF.DataSet Empirical Cumulative Dsitribution Function of Runtime of a single data set
ECDF.DataSetList Empirical Cumulative Dsitribution Function of Runtime of a single data set

-- F --

fast_RT_samples Function to get just the RT samples needed, without any formatting to improve speed

-- G --

generate_data.Aggr Generate dataframe of a single function/dimension pair
generate_data.AUC Generate dataframe containing the AUC for any ECDF-curves
generate_data.CDP Generate data for the cumulative difference plot.
generate_data.EAF Generate dataframe consisting of the levelsets of the EAF
generate_data.EAF_Difference Generate differences between two EAFs
generate_data.EAF_diff_Approximate Generate EAF-differences between each function and the remaining portfolio
generate_data.ECDF Generate dataframe of a single function/dimension pair
generate_data.ECDF_From_EAF Generate dataframe consisting of the ECDF-equivalent based on the EAF
generate_data.ECDF_raw Generate dataframe of a the unaggregated values of individual algorithms. Stripped-down version of
generate_data.Heatmaps Nevergrad-dashboard based algorithm comparison
generate_data.hist Generate dataframe of a single function/dimension pair
generate_data.Parameters Generate dataframe of a single function/dimension pair
generate_data.Parameter_correlation Generate dataframe of exactly 2 parameters, matched by running time
generate_data.PMF Generate dataframe of a single function/dimension pair for creating PDF or PMF plots
generate_data.Single_Function Generate dataframe of a single function/dimension pair
get_algId Get all algorithm ids present in a DataSetList
get_color_scheme Get colors according to the current colorScheme of the IOHanalyzer
get_color_scheme_dt Get datatable of current color (and linestyle) scheme to file
get_default_ECDF_targets Generate ECDF targets for a DataSetList
get_dim Get all dimensions present in a DataSetList
get_dsc_omnibus Perform omnibus statistical tests on the matrix of rankings from the DSCtool api
get_dsc_posthoc Perform post-hoc processing on data from DSCtool
get_dsc_rank Get the matrix of rankings using the DSCtool api for a DataSetList
get_ECDF_targets Generation of default ECDF-targets
get_ERT Get Expected RunTime
get_ERT.DataSet Get Expected RunTime
get_ERT.DataSetList Get Expected RunTime
get_funcId Get all function ids present in a DataSetList
get_funcName Get all function names present in a DataSetList
get_funvals Get all function values present in a DataSetList
get_FV Get function value matrix of the used dataset.
get_FV.DataSet Get function value matrix of the used dataset.
get_FV_overview Get Function Value condensed overview
get_FV_overview.DataSet Get Function Value condensed overview
get_FV_overview.DataSetList Get Function Value condensed overview
get_FV_sample Get Funtion Value Samples
get_FV_sample.DataSet Get Funtion Value Samples
get_FV_sample.DataSetList Get Funtion Value Samples
get_FV_summary Get Function Value Summary
get_FV_summary.DataSet Get Function Value Summary
get_FV_summary.DataSetList Get Function Value Summary
get_id Get condensed overview of datasets
get_id.DataSet Get condensed overview of datasets
get_id.DataSetList Get condensed overview of datasets
get_line_style Get line styles according to the current styleScheme of the IOHanalyzer
get_marg_contrib_ecdf Get the marginal contribution of an algorithm to a portfolio
get_maxRT Get the maximal running time
get_maxRT.DataSet Get the maximal running time
get_maxRT.DataSetList Get the maximal running time
get_ontology_data Get the list of available options for data from the OPTION ontology
get_ontology_var Get the list of available options for data from the OPTION ontology
get_overview Get condensed overview of datasets
get_overview.DataSet Get condensed overview of datasets
get_overview.DataSetList Get condensed overview of datasets
get_parId Get all parameter ids present in a DataSetList
get_PAR_name Get the parameter names of the algorithm
get_PAR_name.DataSet Get the parameter names of the algorithm
get_PAR_sample Get Parameter Value Samples
get_PAR_sample.DataSet Get Parameter Value Samples
get_PAR_sample.DataSetList Get Parameter Value Samples
get_PAR_summary Get Parameter Value Summary
get_PAR_summary.DataSet Get Parameter Value Summary
get_PAR_summary.DataSetList Get Parameter Value Summary
get_position_dsl Extract the position information from a datasetlist object
get_RT Get runtime matrix of the used dataset.
get_RT.DataSet Get runtime matrix of the used dataset.
get_RT_overview Get Runtime Value condensed overview
get_RT_overview.DataSet Get Runtime Value condensed overview
get_RT_overview.DataSetList Get Runtime Value condensed overview
get_RT_sample Get RunTime Sample
get_RT_sample.DataSet Get RunTime Sample
get_RT_sample.DataSetList Get RunTime Sample
get_RT_summary Get RunTime Summary
get_RT_summary.DataSet Get RunTime Summary
get_RT_summary.DataSetList Get RunTime Summary
get_runtimes Get all runtime values present in a DataSetList
get_shapley_values Get the shapley-values of a portfolio of algorithms
get_static_attributes Get all attributes which can be used to subset a DataSetList
get_static_attribute_values Get all options for a specific attribute which can be used to subset a DataSetList
get_target_dt Generate datatables of runtime or function value targets for a DataSetList
glicko2_ranking Glicko2 raning of algorithms

-- I --

IOHanalyzer IOHanalyzer: Data Analysis Part of IOHprofiler
IOH_plot_ly_default Template for creating plots in the IOHanalyzer-style

-- L -- Reduce the size of the data set by evenly subsampling the records

-- M --

max_ERTs Get the ERT-values for all DataSets in a DataSetList at certain targets
max_ERTs.DataSetList Get the ERT-values for all DataSets in a DataSetList at certain targets
mean_FVs Get the expected function-values for all DataSets in a DataSetList at certain runtimes
mean_FVs.DataSetList Get the expected function-values for all DataSets in a DataSetList at certain runtimes

-- P --

pairwise.test Performs a pairwise Kolmogorov-Smirnov test on the bootstrapped running times among a data set
pairwise.test.DataSetList Performs a pairwise Kolmogorov-Smirnov test on the bootstrapped running times among a data set
pairwise.test.list Performs a pairwise Kolmogorov-Smirnov test on the bootstrapped running times among a data set
Plot.Comparison.Heatmap Plot a heatmap according to the specifications from the Nevergrad dashboard
Plot.Comparison.Heatmap.DataSetList Plot a heatmap according to the specifications from the Nevergrad dashboard
Plot.cumulative_difference_plot Plot the cumulative difference plot given a DataSetList.
Plot.FV.Aggregated Plot expected function value-based comparison over multiple functions or dimensions
Plot.FV.Aggregated.DataSetList Plot expected function value-based comparison over multiple functions or dimensions
Plot.FV.ECDF_AUC Radarplot of the area under the aggregated ECDF-curve of a DataSetList.
Plot.FV.ECDF_AUC.DataSetList Radarplot of the area under the aggregated ECDF-curve of a DataSetList.
Plot.FV.ECDF_Per_Target Plot the empirical cumulative distriburtion as a function of the target values of a DataSetList at certain target runtimes
Plot.FV.ECDF_Per_Target.DataSetList Plot the empirical cumulative distriburtion as a function of the target values of a DataSetList at certain target runtimes
Plot.FV.ECDF_Single_Func Plot the aggregated empirical cumulative distriburtion as a function of the function values of a DataSetList.
Plot.FV.ECDF_Single_Func.DataSetList Plot the aggregated empirical cumulative distriburtion as a function of the function values of a DataSetList.
Plot.FV.Histogram Plot histograms of the function values of a DataSetList at a certain target runtime
Plot.FV.Histogram.DataSetList Plot histograms of the function values of a DataSetList at a certain target runtime
Plot.FV.Multi_Func Plot FV-plots for multiple functions or dimensions
Plot.FV.Multi_Func.DataSetList Plot FV-plots for multiple functions or dimensions
Plot.FV.Parameters Plot the parameter values recorded in a DataSetList (aligned by budget)
Plot.FV.Parameters.DataSetList Plot the parameter values recorded in a DataSetList (aligned by budget)
Plot.FV.PDF Plot probablity density function of the function values of a DataSetList at a certain target runtime
Plot.FV.PDF.DataSetList Plot probablity density function of the function values of a DataSetList at a certain target runtime
Plot.FV.Single_Func Plot lineplot of the expected function values of a DataSetList
Plot.FV.Single_Func.DataSetList Plot lineplot of the expected function values of a DataSetList
Plot.Performviz Create the PerformViz plot
Plot.RT.Aggregated Plot ERT-based comparison over multiple functions or dimensions
Plot.RT.Aggregated.DataSetList Plot ERT-based comparison over multiple functions or dimensions
Plot.RT.ECDF_AUC Radarplot of the area under the aggregated ECDF-curve of a DataSetList.
Plot.RT.ECDF_AUC.DataSetList Radarplot of the area under the aggregated ECDF-curve of a DataSetList.
Plot.RT.ECDF_Multi_Func Plot the aggregated empirical cumulative distriburtion as a function of the running times of a DataSetList. Aggregated over multiple functions or dimensions.
Plot.RT.ECDF_Multi_Func.DataSetList Plot the aggregated empirical cumulative distriburtion as a function of the running times of a DataSetList. Aggregated over multiple functions or dimensions.
Plot.RT.ECDF_Per_Target Plot the empirical cumulative distriburtion as a function of the running times of a DataSetList at certain target function values
Plot.RT.ECDF_Per_Target.DataSetList Plot the empirical cumulative distriburtion as a function of the running times of a DataSetList at certain target function values
Plot.RT.ECDF_Single_Func Plot the aggregated empirical cumulative distriburtion as a function of the running times of a DataSetList.
Plot.RT.ECDF_Single_Func.DataSetList Plot the aggregated empirical cumulative distriburtion as a function of the running times of a DataSetList.
Plot.RT.Histogram Plot histograms of the runtimes of a DataSetList at a certain target function value
Plot.RT.Histogram.DataSetList Plot histograms of the runtimes of a DataSetList at a certain target function value
Plot.RT.Multi_Func Plot ERT-plots for multiple functions or dimensions
Plot.RT.Multi_Func.DataSetList Plot ERT-plots for multiple functions or dimensions
Plot.RT.Parameters Plot the parameter values recorded in a DataSetList (aligned by funcion value)
Plot.RT.Parameters.DataSetList Plot the parameter values recorded in a DataSetList (aligned by funcion value)
Plot.RT.PMF Plot probablity mass function of the runtimes of a DataSetList at a certain target function value
Plot.RT.PMF.DataSetList Plot probablity mass function of the runtimes of a DataSetList at a certain target function value
Plot.RT.Single_Func Plot lineplot of the ERTs of a DataSetList
Plot.RT.Single_Func.DataSetList Plot lineplot of the ERTs of a DataSetList
Plot.Stats.Glicko2_Candlestick Create a candlestick plot of Glicko2-rankings
Plot.Stats.Glicko2_Candlestick.DataSetList Create a candlestick plot of Glicko2-rankings
Plot.Stats.Significance_Graph Plot a network graph showing the statistically different algorithms
Plot.Stats.Significance_Graph.DataSetList Plot a network graph showing the statistically different algorithms
Plot.Stats.Significance_Heatmap Plot a heatmap showing the statistically different algorithms
Plot.Stats.Significance_Heatmap.DataSetList Plot a heatmap showing the statistically different algorithms
plot_eaf_data Create EAF-based polygon plots
plot_eaf_differences Create EAF-difference contour plots
plot_general_data General function for plotting within IOHanalyzer
print.DataSet S3 generic print operator for DataSet
print.DataSetList S3 print function for DataSetList

-- R --

read_index_file Read .info files and extract information
read_IOH_v1plus Read Nevergrad data
read_pure_csv Read Nevergrad data
register_DSC Register an account to the DSCtool API
runServer Create a shiny-server GUI to interactively use the IOHanalyzer

-- S --

save_plotly Save plotly figure in multiple format
save_table Save DataTable in multiple formats
scan_index_file Scan *.info files for IOHProfiler or COCO
seq_FV Function for generating sequences of function values
seq_RT Function for generating sequences of runtime values
set_color_scheme Set the colorScheme of the IOHanalyzer plots
set_DSC_credentials Register an account to the DSCtool API
SP Estimator 'SP' for the Expected Running Time (ERT)
subset.DataSet S3 subset function for DataSet
subset.DataSetList Filter a DataSetList by some criteria
summary.DataSet S3 generic summary operator for DataSet
summary.DataSetList S3 summary function for DataSetList

-- misc --

==.DataSet S3 generic == operator for DataSets
[.DataSetList S3 extraction function for DataSetList