Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Models using 'INLA'

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Documentation for package ‘INLAspacetime’ version 0.1.8

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ar2cor Illustrative code to compute the auto-correlation for an AR2 model.
ar2precision Precision matrix for an AR2 model.
Area Internal util functions for polygon properties.
barrierModel.define Define a spacetime model object for the 'f()' call.
bru_get_mapper Mapper object for automatic inlabru interface
bru_get_mapper.stModel_cgeneric Mapper object for automatic inlabru interface
cWhittleMatern Computes the Whittle-Matern correlation function.
donwloadUtilFiles Download files from the NOAA's GHCN daily data
downloadUtilFiles Download files from the NOAA's GHCN daily data
Earth_poly Function to define the boundary Earch polygon in longlat projection for a given resolution.
flatArea Internal util functions for polygon properties.
gammas2params Functions to help converting from/to user/internal parametrization. The internal parameters are 'gamma_s, 'gamma_t', 'gamma_E' The user parameters are 'r_s', 'r_t', 'sigma'
ghcndSelect Select data from the daily dataset
Heron Internal util functions for polygon properties.
INLAspacetime Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Models using INLA
Jmatrices The 2nd order temporal matrices with boundary correction
lgsConstant Functions to help converting from/to user/internal parametrization. The internal parameters are 'gamma_s, 'gamma_t', 'gamma_E' The user parameters are 'r_s', 'r_t', 'sigma'
mesh.dual Extracts the dual of a mesh object.
mesh2d Illustrative code for building a mesh in 2d domain.
mesh2fem Illustrative code for Finite Element matrices of a mesh in 2d domain.
mesh2fem.barrier Illustrative code for Finite Element matrices of a mesh in 2d domain.
mesh2projector Illustrative code to build the projector matrix for SPDE models.
outDetect Detect outliers in a time series considering the raw data and a smoothed version of it.
params2gammas Functions to help converting from/to user/internal parametrization. The internal parameters are 'gamma_s, 'gamma_t', 'gamma_E' The user parameters are 'r_s', 'r_t', 'sigma'
paramsUtils Functions to help converting from/to user/internal parametrization. The internal parameters are 'gamma_s, 'gamma_t', 'gamma_E' The user parameters are 'r_s', 'r_t', 'sigma'
s2trArea Internal util functions for polygon properties.
spde2precision Illustrative code to build the precision matrix for SPDE kind models.
stats.inla To retrieve goodness of fit statistics for a specific model class.
stdSubs To check unusual low/high variance segments
Stiffness Internal util functions for polygon properties.
stlines To visualize time series over space.
stModel.define Define a spacetime model object for the 'f()' call.
stModel.matrices Define the spacetime model matrices.
stModel.precision Spacetime precision matrix.
stpoints To visualize time series over space.
upperPadding Prepare a matrix or a list of matrices for use in some 'cgeneric' code.
worldMap Helper functions to retrieve the world map, a world polygon, and create grid centers.
world_grid Define a regular grid in 'Mollweide' projection, with units in kilometers.