Multivariate Joint Modeling for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Outcomes with 'INLA'

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Documentation for package ‘INLAjoint’ version 24.3.25

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coef.INLAjoint Extracts model coefficients from a given model fitted with INLAjoint
family.INLAjoint Extracts family from a given model fitted with INLAjoint
fitted.INLAjoint Extracts fitted values from a given model fitted with INLAjoint
fixef.INLAjoint Extracts fixed effects values from a given model fitted with INLAjoint
formula.INLAjoint Extracts formula from a given model fitted with INLAjoint
INLAjoint INLAjoint
INLAjoint.ginv Setup ginv
INLAjoint.object Fitted 'joint' object Setup rw
INLAjoint.rw2 Setup rw2
INLAjoint.scopy.define Setup scopy
joint Fit a multivariate joint model for longitudinal and/or survival data
joint.rerun Rerun a model fitted with INLAjoint
logLik.INLAjoint Extracts log-likelihood value from a given model fitted with INLAjoint
LongMS Simulated univariate longitudinal dataset
Longsim Simulated multivariate longitudinal dataset
nobs.INLAjoint Extracts number of observations of each composant from a given model fitted with INLAjoint
plot.INLAjoint Plot the output from a multivariate joint model for longitudinal and/or survival data
predict.INLAjoint Computes predictions for a given model fitted with INLAjoint
print.plot.INLAjoint Prints plot the output from a multivariate joint model for longitudinal and/or survival data
ranef.INLAjoint Extracts random effects values from a given model fitted with INLAjoint
setup_FE_model Setup fixed effects part for longitudinal marker k
setup_RE_model Setup random effects part for longitudinal marker k
setup_S_model Setup survival part for outcome m
setup_Y_model Setup outcome for longitudinal marker
SurvMS Simulated multi-state survival dataset
Survsim Simulated competing risks survival dataset