Bayesian Model Averaging with INLA

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Documentation for package ‘INLABMA’ version 0.1-12

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BMArho Compute BMA of 'fitted.values' from a list of INLA objects
fitlistBMA Compute marginals using Bayesian Model Averaging
fitmarg Fit posterior marginal distributions to points
fitmargBMA Compute marginals using Bayesian Model Averaging
fitmargBMA2 Compute marginals using Bayesian Model Averaging
fitmatrixBMA Compute marginals using Bayesian Model Averaging
INLABMA Perform complete Bayesian Model Averaging on some Spatial Econometrics models
INLAMH Perform INLA with MCMC.
leroux.inla Fit Leroux et al's spatial model.
logprrho Log-prior density for the spatial autocorrelation parameter 'rho'
mysplinefun Compute spline function
recompute.impacts Recompute the impact summaries from the marginals
rescalemarg Re-scale marginal distribution to compute the distribution of w*x
sac.inla Fit spatial econometrics models with INLA
sdm.inla Fit spatial econometrics models with INLA
sem.inla Fit spatial econometrics models with INLA
slm.inla Fit spatial econometrics models with INLA
trIrhoWinv Compute trace of (I-rho*W)^{-1} matrix