ANspec {IDmeasurer} | R Documentation |
Little owl, Athene noctua - spectrum properties
Species: Little owl, Athene noctua
Number of individuals: 33
Number of calls per individual: 10
Number of acoustic variables: 7
Individual identity: HS=4.68
Reference: Linhart, P., & Salek, M. (2017). The assessment of biases in the acoustic discrimination of individuals. PLOS ONE, 12(5), e0177206. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0177206
Calls of little owls were collected in Czech Republic and Hungary.
Territorial calls of each male were recorded for three minutes after a short
playback provocation (1 min) inside their territories from up to 50 m
distance from the individuals. The recordings were made during comparable,
favourable meteorological conditions (without strong wind or precipitation),
from sunset until midnight between March and April of 2013 and 2014. This period
covered the mating season. The period and the time of the day for recording
were selected with regard to the peak in vocal activity of little owls both
within a day and within a season. The original dataset included 54 males with
more than 20 calls each (20-41 calls per individual, mean, SD = 26.9, 6.0)
with good recording quality.The number of individuals and calls per
individual was reduced to match parameters of the other datasets.
Variables were selected to measure basic parameters of call spectrum
like the peak frequency, distribution of frequency amplitudes within
spectrum, and range of the frequencies (minimum and maximum). Additionally,
the duration of the call was measured. Variables were extracted in SASLab Pro
by Avisoft.
A data frame with 330 rows and 8 variables:
- id
factor, identity code of an individual emitting the call
- dur
duration of the call, in seconds
- df
frequency of maximum amplitude within the spectrum - peak frequency, in Hertz
- minf, maxf
minimum and maximum fequency at -25dB relative to the call peak amplitude, in Hertz
- q25, q50, q75
frequencies at the three quartiles of amplitude distribution; frequencies below which lie 25, 50 and 75 percent of the energy of the call, respectively, in Hertz