RastStackData {ICvectorfields}R Documentation

Creating a raster stack from formatted datasets


This function converts the data that accompany the ICvectorfields R package to a raster stack. The raster stack is the only accepted data input format for the following ICvectorfields functions: DispFieldST, DispFieldSTbb, DispFieldSTall, DispFieldSTbball.





a data frame object in which the first column is longitude (or x coordinate), the second column is latitude (or y coordinate), and all of the subsequent columns represent a measure of population abundance or density at a unique instance of time. Each row of the input data frame, therefore, represents a unique spatial location, which should be on an evenly spaced grid. Note, however, that not all grid locations need to have observations; some grid locations can have values of NA or can be missing entirely.


Once a raster stack has been created, individual layers can be subsetted using rasterstack[[index]], where index is an integer index for the third dimension of the raster stack.


The function returns a raster stack constructed using inputdf. Each layer in the stack corresponds to a column of the input dataset (after the first two columns, which are longitude and latitude). The extent of all of the rasters in the stack is constructed using the minimum and maximum longitudes and latitudes.


# creating random data in the correct data format
xyzdf <- expand.grid(x = c(1:3), y = c(1:3))
xyzdf$z1 <- runif(9)
xyzdf$z2 <- runif(9)
xyzdf$z3 <- runif(9)

zstack <- RastStackData(xyzdf)


[Package ICvectorfields version 0.1.2 Index]