Cox Model with Interval-Censored Starting Time of a Covariate

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Documentation for package ‘ICcalib’ version 1.0.8

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CalcCoxCalibP Calculating the probabilities of positive binary exposure status at a given time point using a proportional hazards calibration model
CalcCoxCalibRSIntsP Calculating the probabilities of positive binary exposure status at a given time point using proportional hazards grouped risk-set calibration models
CalcNpmleCalibP Calculating the probabilities of positive binary exposure status at a given time point using a nonparametric calibration model
CalcNpmleRSP Calculating the probabilities of positive binary exposure status at a given time point using a nonparametric risk-set calibration models
CalcVarNpmle Variance estimation for the main proportional hazards model
CalcVarNpmleRS Variance estimation for the main proportional hazards model
CalcVarParam Variance estimation for the main proportional hazards model
CalcVarParamRSInts Variance estimation for the main proportional hazards model
CalcVarThetaWeib Variance estimation for the main proportional hazards model
CalcVarThetaWeibRS Variance estimation for the main proportional hazards model
CalcWeibullCalibP Calculating the probabilities of positive binary exposure status at a given time point using a Weibull calibration model
CalcWeibullRSP Calculating the probabilities of positive binary exposure status at a given time point using risk-set Weibull calibration models
FitCalibCox Fitting Proportional Hazards Calibration Models with Covariates
FitCalibCoxRS Fitting Proportional Hazards Risk-Set Calibration Models with Covariates
FitCalibCoxRSInts Fitting Proportional Hazards Risk-Set Calibration Models with Covariates
FitCalibNpmle Fitting Nonparametric Calibration Models
FitCalibWeibull Fitting Weibull Calibration Models
FitCalibWeibullRS Fitting Weibull Risk-Set Calibration Models