ICS-S3 {ICS}R Documentation

Two Scatter Matrices ICS Transformation


Transforms the data via two scatter matrices to an invariant coordinate system or independent components, depending on the underlying assumptions. Function ICS() is intended as a replacement for ics() and ics2(), and it combines their functionality into a single function. Importantly, the results are returned as an S3 object rather than an S4 object. Furthermore, ICS() implements recent improvements, such as a numerically stable algorithm based on the QR algorithm for a common family of scatter pairs.


  S1 = ICS_cov,
  S2 = ICS_cov4,
  S1_args = list(),
  S2_args = list(),
  algorithm = c("whiten", "standard", "QR"),
  center = FALSE,
  fix_signs = c("scores", "W"),
  na.action = na.fail



a numeric matrix or data frame containing the data to be transformed.


a numeric matrix containing the first scatter matrix, an object of class "ICS_scatter" (that typically contains the location vector and scatter matrix as location and scatter components), or a function that returns either of those options. The default is function ICS_cov() for the sample covariance matrix.


a numeric matrix containing the second scatter matrix, an object of class "ICS_scatter" (that typically contains the location vector and scatter matrix as location and scatter components), or a function that returns either of those options. The default is function ICS_cov4() for the covariance matrix based on fourth order moments.


a list containing additional arguments for S1 (only relevant if S1 is a function).


a list containing additional arguments for S2 (only relevant if S2 is a function).


a character string specifying with which algorithm the invariant coordinate system is computed. Possible values are "whiten", "standard" or "QR". See ‘Details’ for more information.


a logical indicating whether the invariant coordinates should be centered with respect to first locattion or not (default to FALSE). Centering is only applicable if the first scatter object contains a location component, otherwise this is set to FALSE. Note that this only affects the scores of the invariant components (output component scores), but not the generalized kurtosis values (output component gen_kurtosis).


a character string specifying how to fix the signs of the invariant coordinates. Possible values are "scores" to fix the signs based on (generalized) skewness values of the coordinates, or "W" to fix the signs based on the coefficient matrix of the linear transformation. See ‘Details’ for more information.


a function to handle missing values in the data (default to na.fail, see its help file for alternatives).


For a given scatter pair S1S_{1} and S2S_{2}, a matrix ZZ (in which the columns contain the scores of the respective invariant coordinates) and a matrix WW (in which the rows contain the coefficients of the linear transformation to the respective invariant coordinates) are found such that:

Given those criteria, WW is unique up to sign changes in its rows. The argument fix_signs provides two ways to ensure uniqueness of WW:

In principal, the order of S1S_{1} and S2S_{2} does not matter if both are true scatter matrices. Changing their order will just reverse the order of the components and invert the corresponding generalized kurtosis values.

The same does not hold when at least one of them is a shape matrix rather than a true scatter matrix. In that case, changing their order will also reverse the order of the components, but the ratio of the generalized kurtosis values is no longer 1 but only a constant. This is due to the fact that when shape matrices are used, the generalized kurtosis values are only relative ones.

Different algorithms are available to compute the invariant coordinate system of a data frame XnX_n with nn observations:

The "whiten" algorithm is the most natural version and therefore the default. The option "standard" should be only used if the scatters provided are not functions but precomputed matrices. The option "QR" is mainly of interest when there are numerical issues when "whiten" is used and the scatter combination allows its usage.

Note that when the purpose of ICS is outlier detection the package ICSOutlier provides additional functionalities as does the package ICSClust in case the goal of ICS is dimension reduction prior clustering.


An object of class "ICS" with the following components:


a numeric vector containing the generalized kurtosis values of the invariant coordinates.


a numeric matrix in which each row contains the coefficients of the linear transformation to the corresponding invariant coordinate.


a numeric matrix in which each column contains the scores of the corresponding invariant coordinate.


a numeric vector containing the (generalized) skewness values of the invariant coordinates (only returned if fix_signs = "scores").


a character string providing a label for the first scatter matrix to be used by various methods.


a character string providing a label for the second scatter matrix to be used by various methods.


a list containing additional arguments used to compute S1 (if a function was supplied).


a list containing additional arguments used to compute S2 (if a function was supplied).


a character string specifying how the invariant coordinate is computed.


a logical indicating whether or not the data were centered with respect to the first location vector before computing the invariant coordinates.


a character string specifying how the signs of the invariant coordinates were fixed.


Andreas Alfons and Aurore Archimbaud, based on code for ics() and ics2() by Klaus Nordhausen


Tyler, D.E., Critchley, F., Duembgen, L. and Oja, H. (2009) Invariant Co-ordinate Selection. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 71(3), 549–592. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2009.00706.x.

Archimbaud, A., Drmac, Z., Nordhausen, K., Radojcic, U. and Ruiz-Gazen, A. (2023) Numerical Considerations and a New Implementation for Invariant Coordinate Selection. SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 5(1), 97–121. doi:10.1137/22M1498759.

See Also

gen_kurtosis(), coef(), components(), fitted(), and plot() methods


# import data
X <- iris[,-5]

# run ICS
out_ICS <- ICS(X)

# extract generalized eigenvalues
# Plot

# extract the components
components(out_ICS, select = 1:2)

# Plot

# equivalence with previous functions
out_ics <- ics(X, S1 = cov, S2 = cov4, stdKurt = FALSE)
out_ics2 <- ics2(X, S1 = MeanCov, S2 = Mean3Cov4)

# example using two functions
X1 <- rmvnorm(250, rep(0,8), diag(c(rep(1,6),0.04,0.04)))
X2 <- rmvnorm(50, c(rep(0,6),2,0), diag(c(rep(1,6),0.04,0.04)))
X3 <- rmvnorm(200, c(rep(0,7),2), diag(c(rep(1,6),0.04,0.04)))
X.comps <- rbind(X1,X2,X3)
A <- matrix(rnorm(64),nrow=8)
X <- X.comps %*% t(A)
ics.X.1 <- ICS(X)
# compare to

# slow:
if (require("ICSNP")) {
  ics.X.2 <- ICS(X, S1 = tyler.shape, S2 = duembgen.shape,
  S1_args = list(location=0))
  # example using three pictures
  fig1 <- read.pnm(system.file("pictures/cat.pgm", package = "ICS")[1],
                   cellres = 1)
  fig2 <- read.pnm(system.file("pictures/road.pgm", package = "ICS")[1],
                   cellres = 1)
  fig3 <- read.pnm(system.file("pictures/sheep.pgm", package = "ICS")[1],
                   cellres = 1)
  p <- dim(fig1@grey)[2]
  fig1.v <- as.vector(fig1@grey)
  fig2.v <- as.vector(fig2@grey)
  fig3.v <- as.vector(fig3@grey)
  X <- cbind(fig1.v, fig2.v, fig3.v)
  A <- matrix(rnorm(9), ncol = 3)
  X.mixed <- X %*% t(A)
  ICA.fig <- ICS(X.mixed)
  par.old <- par()
  par(mfrow=c(3,3), omi = c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1), mai = c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1))
  plot(pixmapGrey(X.mixed[,1], ncol = p, cellres = 1))
  plot(pixmapGrey(X.mixed[,2], ncol = p, cellres = 1))
  plot(pixmapGrey(X.mixed[,3], ncol = p, cellres = 1))
  plot(pixmapGrey(components(ICA.fig)[,1], ncol = p, cellres = 1))
  plot(pixmapGrey(components(ICA.fig)[,2], ncol = p, cellres = 1))
  plot(pixmapGrey(components(ICA.fig)[,3], ncol = p, cellres = 1))

[Package ICS version 1.4-1 Index]