dpwdg {ICEinfer} | R Documentation |
Output list object of class ICEwedge for the High Uncertainty example, data(dulxparx)
dpwdg is the output list object of class ICEwdg resulting from the following time consuming computation: dpwdg <- ICEwedge(dpunc)
Output list object of class ICEwedge.
- ICEinp
Name of the ICEuncrt object input to ICEwedge().
- lambda
Positive value of lfact * ICEu\$lambda
- lfact
Positive Multiplier for the ICEu\$lambda value input to ICEwedge().
- ceunit
Saved value of ceunit ("cost" or "effe") input to ICEuncrt.
- conf
Statistical Confidence Level within [0.50, 0.99] input to ICEwedge.
- R
Saved integer value for number of bootstrap replications input to ICEuncrt.
- axys
R x 4 data.frame with ICE Angle in column 1, bootstrap resampled values of (DeltaEffe, DeltaCost) in columns 2 and 3, and the binary flag with 0 => outcome outSide the Confidence Wedge and 1 => outcome inSide the Confidence Wedge in column 4.
- t1
Observed value of (DeltaEffe, DeltaCost) when each patient is sampled exactly once.
- ia1
The ICE Angle corresponding to the Objerved ICE Ratio.
- center
The largest value of j such that axys[j, 1] < ia1 <= axys[j+1, 1].
- jlo
Number of the ICE Angle Order Statistic defining the Clockwise or lower ICE Ray boundary of the Confidence Wedge.
- kup
Number of the ICE Angle Order Statistic defining the Counter-Clockwise or upper ICE Ray boundary of the Confidence Wedge.
- subangle
Subtended Polar ICE Angle between Order Statistics jlo and kup.
- xmax
Alias plots of ICEwedge have horizontal range [-xmax, +xmax].
- ymax
Alias plots of ICEwedge have vertical range [-ymax, +ymax].
- ab
ICE angle computation perspective of alibi or alias.
# Intermediate ICEinfer Output List for the dulxparx dataset...