iced_syntax {ICED} | R Documentation |
iced_syntax function - generates lavaan syntax for ICED models
The function takes a dataframe describing the data structure and returns lavaan syntax to run the model
fix_lower_bounds = TRUE,
set_variances = NULL,
e_label = "e",
print = TRUE,
groups = NULL,
groups_inequality = NULL
structure |
data.frame describing the structure of the data, with each variable covering a design aspect - see example. Note: currently the first variable must be time and include a different value for each repeated measure. |
fix_lower_bounds |
fixes error variance estimates to be positive, defaults to TRUE |
set_variances |
allows the user to specify a list of variances for each latent variable |
e_label |
user defined variable name of the error variance. defaults to "e" |
print |
option to print the syntax to the console. defaults to TRUE |
groups |
allows the user to specify a number or list of group names. The syntax will generate separate latent variable variances to estimate for each group |
groups_inequality |
allows the user to specify which variance components they wish to allow to vary between groups. Useful for model comparisons. |
returns a character string for the ICED model following lavaan syntax
## see online documentation for full examples
structure <- data.frame(time = c("T1", "T2", "T3", "T4"),
day = c("day1","day1","day2","day2"),
session = c("session1", "session1","session2", "session3"))