ibr_chart {IBRtools} | R Documentation |
IBR Radarchart
Plots the IBR standardized values for the enzymes to be compared with one another.
legend = NULL,
df |
A data.frame that resulted from the function ibr_std |
axistype |
The type of axes, specified by any of 0:5. 0 means no axis label. 1 means center axis label only. 2 means around-the-chart label only. 3 means both center and around-the-chart (peripheral) labels. 4 is *.** format of 1, 5 is *.** format of 3. Default is 0. |
pcol |
A vector of color codes for plot data: Default 1:8, which are repeatedly used. |
pfcol |
A vector of color codes for filling polygons: Default NA, which is repeatedly usd. |
plwd |
A vector of line widths for plot data: Default 1, which is repeatedly used. |
plty |
A vector of line types for plot data: Default 1:6, which are repeatedly used. |
cglcol |
Line color for radar grids: Default "navy" |
cglty |
Line type for radar grids: Default 3, which means dotted line. |
axislabcol |
Color of axis label and numbers: Default "blue" |
cglwd |
Line width for radar grids: Default 1, which means thinnest line. |
caxislabels |
Character vector for center axis labels, overwriting values specified in axistype option. If NULL, the values specified by axistype option are used. Default is NULL. |
seg |
The number of segments for each axis (default 4). |
legend |
Default is NULL, when any other value is given the legend will not appear and you can manually create your own using the legend() function right after building your radarchart |
... |
Miscellaneous arguments to be given for plot.default(). |
Returns a radarchart with the standardized values of biomarkers
If you have any problems with the axis labels, you can do it manually by changing two params in the function: seg and caxislabel. The caxislabel param has to be a sequence, such as: caxislabels = seq(-1,1.9,0.34), each number is: seq(minvalue, maxvalue, breakvalue)
The seg param can be any number starting from 3, you can change it with: seg = 6.
If you still can't solve the problem, try rounding your standardized values with the function round()
Beliaeff, B., & Burgeot, T. (2002). Integrated biomarker response: A useful tool for ecological risk assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 21(6), 1316–1322.
Devin, S., Burgeot, T., Giambérini, L., Minguez, L., & Pain-Devin, S. (2014). The integrated biomarker response revisited: Optimization to avoid misuse. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21(4), 2448–2454. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-013-2169-9
Minato Nakazawa (2022). fmsb: Functions for Medical Statistics Book with some Demographic Data. R package version 0.7.0. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=fmsb
ibr_std(enzact) -> enzact_chart
ibr_chart(enzact_chart, legend = FALSE)
colorvector<- c(rgb(1,0.4,0.8,0.7), rgb(0,0.6,0.6,0.7) , rgb(0.4,0.4,0.6,0.7), rgb(0,0.4,0.4,0.7))
legend(x=1.2, y=-0.3, enzact_chart$group, bty = "n", pch=20, col=colorvector, cex=0.9, pt.cex=2)