add_characteristic |
Generic method for add_characteristic |
add_characteristic.population |
Add characteristic to a population |
age_pyramid |
Generic method for age_pyramid |
age_pyramid.population |
Age pyramid from a population at a given time. |
age_pyramids |
Generic method for age_pyramids |
age_pyramids.population |
Age pyramid from a population data frame at some given times. |
check_intensity_code |
Check the intensity code. |
check_interaction_code |
Check the interaction code. |
check_kernel_code |
Check the kernel code. |
compatibility_chars_events |
Check characteristics-events compatibility |
compatibility_pop_model |
Check population-model compatibility |
death_table |
Death table |
EWdata_hmd |
England and Wale mortality data (source: Human Mortality Database) |
EW_popIMD_14 |
England and Wales (EW) 2014 population and death rates by Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD). |
EW_pop_14 |
England and Wales (EW) 2014 population, death and birth rates. |
EW_pop_out |
Example of "human population" after 100 years of simulation. |
exposure_table |
Exposure table |
get_characteristics |
Generic method for get_characteristics |
get_characteristics.population |
Returns names and C types of the characteristics. |
gompertz |
Gompertz–Makeham intensity function. |
linfun |
Linear interpolation function. |
max.stepfun |
Returns the maximum of a function of class 'stepfun'. |
merge_pop_withid |
A function returning a merged dataframe from a list of population dataframes with id. |
mk_event_individual |
Creating an event with intensity of class individual |
mk_event_inhomogeneous_poisson |
Creating inhomogeneous Poisson class event |
mk_event_interaction |
Creating an event with intensity of type interaction |
mk_event_poisson |
Creating Poisson class event |
mk_model |
Creates a model for IBMPopSim. |
piecewise_x |
Piecewise real function. |
piecewise_xy |
Piecewise real function of two variables. |
plot.population |
Plot the age pyramid of a population data frame (at a given time). |
plot.pyramid |
Plot an age pyramid. |
popsample |
Generic method for popsample |
popsample.pyramid |
Sample a population from an age pyramid (at a given time). |
popsim |
Simulation of a model. |
population |
Class population |
population_alive |
Generic method for population_alive |
population_alive.population |
Returns a population of individuals alive. |
print.event |
Print Event |
print.model |
Printing of a model |
print.population |
Printing population |
pyramid |
Class pyramid |
stepfun |
Step Function. |
summary.event |
Summarizing an event |
summary.logs |
Summary logs |
summary.model |
Summary of a model |
summary.population |
Summary population |
summary.simulation_output |
Summary simulation output |
toy_params |
Toy parameters for IBMPopSim-human_popIMD vignette example. |
weibull |
Weibull function. |