HyperG-package |
Hypergraphs in R |
add.hyperedges |
Add edges or vertices to a hypergraph. |
as.binary.hypergraph |
Equivalent Hypergraphs |
as.bipartite |
Hypergraph as a bipartite graph. |
as.graph |
Convert between hypergraphs and graphs. |
as.hypergraph |
Convert between hypergraphs and graphs. |
ase |
Adjacency spectral embedding. |
clique_hypergraph |
Clique Hypergraph |
cluster_spectral |
Spectral Graph Clustering |
delete.hyperedges |
Delete edges or vertices of a hypergraph. |
dual_hypergraph |
Dual hypergraph. |
edge_orders |
The number of vertices, edges and statistics of the hypergraph. |
epsilon_hypergraph |
Epsilon-Ball Hypergraph |
equivalent.hypergraphs |
Equivalent Hypergraphs |
graph2hypergraph |
Convert between hypergraphs and graphs. |
H2 |
Two sections of a hypergraph. |
hadjacency |
Adjacency Matrix of a Hypergraph. |
has.empty.hyperedges |
Test for loops, isolates and empty hyper-edges. |
has.helly |
Helly Property |
has.isolates |
Test for loops, isolates and empty hyper-edges. |
has.loops |
Test for loops, isolates and empty hyper-edges. |
hcorank |
Rank of a hypergraph. |
hdegree |
Degrees of a hypergraph. |
hnames |
The number of vertices, edges and statistics of the hypergraph. |
horder |
The number of vertices, edges and statistics of the hypergraph. |
hrank |
Rank of a hypergraph. |
hsize |
The number of vertices, edges and statistics of the hypergraph. |
HyperG |
Hypergraphs in R |
hypergraph.add.edges |
Add edges or vertices to a hypergraph. |
hypergraph.add.vertices |
Add edges or vertices to a hypergraph. |
hypergraph.complement |
The complement of a hypergraph. |
hypergraph.delete.edges |
Delete edges or vertices of a hypergraph. |
hypergraph.delete.vertices |
Delete edges or vertices of a hypergraph. |
hypergraph.disjoint.union |
Unions and intersections of hypergraphs. |
hypergraph.entropy |
Hypergraph Entropy |
hypergraph.intersection |
Unions and intersections of hypergraphs. |
hypergraph.is.connected |
Is the hypergraph connected? |
hypergraph.spectrum |
Adjacency spectral embedding. |
hypergraph.union |
Unions and intersections of hypergraphs. |
hypergraph2graph |
Convert between hypergraphs and graphs. |
hypergraph_as_adjacency_matrix |
Adjacency Matrix of a Hypergraph. |
hypergraph_as_edgelist |
Convert between hypergraphs and graphs. |
hypergraph_as_incidence_matrix |
Graph Incidence Matrix. |
hypergraph_from_edgelist |
Hypergraph construction. |
hypergraph_from_fuzzy_clustering |
Hypergraph construction. |
hypergraph_from_incidence_matrix |
Hypergraph construction. |
hypergraph_from_literal |
Hypergraph from literal. |
hypergraph_from_membership |
Hypergraph construction. |
hypergraph_from_spectral_clustering |
Hypergraph construction. |
hypergraph_laplacian_matrix |
Laplacian Matrix |
hyper_edges |
Convert between hypergraphs and graphs. |
incidence_matrix |
Graph Incidence Matrix. |
induced_hypergraph |
Induced hypergraph. |
intersection_set |
Is a hypergraph a star? |
is.bi.conformal |
Conformal Hypergraphs |
is.conformal |
Conformal Hypergraphs |
is.empty.hypergraph |
Is the hypergraph empty. |
is.forest |
Test if a graph is a tree or a forest. |
is.helly |
Helly Property |
is.hypergraph |
Is an object a hypergraph? |
is.hypertree |
Test for hypertree. |
is.linear |
Is a hypergraph simple/linear? |
is.simple |
Is a hypergraph simple/linear? |
is.star |
Is a hypergraph a star? |
is.tree |
Test if a graph is a tree or a forest. |
kCores |
K-Cores |
knn_hypergraph |
K-Nearest Neighbor Hypergraph. |
line.graph |
Line Graph |
lse |
Adjacency spectral embedding. |
make_empty_hypergraph |
Empty hypergraph. |
pendant |
Pendant Vertices |
plot.hypergraph |
Plot a hypergraph. |
plotDegreeDistribution |
Degrees of a hypergraph. |
plot_geom_hypergraph |
Construct a hypergraph from a random collection of points. |
print.hypergraph |
Print a hypergraph to the console. |
reduce.hypergraph |
Remove redundant hyperedges and isolated vertices. |
remove.empty.hyperedges |
Remove redundant hyperedges and isolated vertices. |
remove.isolates |
Remove redundant hyperedges and isolated vertices. |
remove.loops |
Remove redundant hyperedges and isolated vertices. |
remove.redundant.vertices |
Remove redundant vertices. |
reorder_vertices |
Reorder the vertices of a hypergraph. |
sample_geom_hypergraph |
Construct a hypergraph from a random collection of points. |
sample_gnp_hypergraph |
Erdos-Renyi hypergraphs. |
sample_k_regular_hypergraph |
Random k-uniform and k-regular hypergraphs. |
sample_k_uniform_hypergraph |
Random k-uniform and k-regular hypergraphs. |
sample_sbm_hypergraph |
Sample from a stochastic block model. |
simplify.hypergraph |
Remove redundant hyperedges and isolated vertices. |
subtree.hypergraph |
Subtree Hypergraph. |
summary.hypergraph |
Print a summary of the hypergraph to the console. |