Hypergraphs in R

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Documentation for package ‘HyperG’ version 1.0.0

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HyperG-package Hypergraphs in R
add.hyperedges Add edges or vertices to a hypergraph.
as.binary.hypergraph Equivalent Hypergraphs
as.bipartite Hypergraph as a bipartite graph.
as.graph Convert between hypergraphs and graphs.
as.hypergraph Convert between hypergraphs and graphs.
ase Adjacency spectral embedding.
clique_hypergraph Clique Hypergraph
cluster_spectral Spectral Graph Clustering
delete.hyperedges Delete edges or vertices of a hypergraph.
dual_hypergraph Dual hypergraph.
edge_orders The number of vertices, edges and statistics of the hypergraph.
epsilon_hypergraph Epsilon-Ball Hypergraph
equivalent.hypergraphs Equivalent Hypergraphs
graph2hypergraph Convert between hypergraphs and graphs.
H2 Two sections of a hypergraph.
hadjacency Adjacency Matrix of a Hypergraph.
has.empty.hyperedges Test for loops, isolates and empty hyper-edges.
has.helly Helly Property
has.isolates Test for loops, isolates and empty hyper-edges.
has.loops Test for loops, isolates and empty hyper-edges.
hcorank Rank of a hypergraph.
hdegree Degrees of a hypergraph.
hnames The number of vertices, edges and statistics of the hypergraph.
horder The number of vertices, edges and statistics of the hypergraph.
hrank Rank of a hypergraph.
hsize The number of vertices, edges and statistics of the hypergraph.
HyperG Hypergraphs in R
hypergraph.add.edges Add edges or vertices to a hypergraph.
hypergraph.add.vertices Add edges or vertices to a hypergraph.
hypergraph.complement The complement of a hypergraph.
hypergraph.delete.edges Delete edges or vertices of a hypergraph.
hypergraph.delete.vertices Delete edges or vertices of a hypergraph.
hypergraph.disjoint.union Unions and intersections of hypergraphs.
hypergraph.entropy Hypergraph Entropy
hypergraph.intersection Unions and intersections of hypergraphs.
hypergraph.is.connected Is the hypergraph connected?
hypergraph.spectrum Adjacency spectral embedding.
hypergraph.union Unions and intersections of hypergraphs.
hypergraph2graph Convert between hypergraphs and graphs.
hypergraph_as_adjacency_matrix Adjacency Matrix of a Hypergraph.
hypergraph_as_edgelist Convert between hypergraphs and graphs.
hypergraph_as_incidence_matrix Graph Incidence Matrix.
hypergraph_from_edgelist Hypergraph construction.
hypergraph_from_fuzzy_clustering Hypergraph construction.
hypergraph_from_incidence_matrix Hypergraph construction.
hypergraph_from_literal Hypergraph from literal.
hypergraph_from_membership Hypergraph construction.
hypergraph_from_spectral_clustering Hypergraph construction.
hypergraph_laplacian_matrix Laplacian Matrix
hyper_edges Convert between hypergraphs and graphs.
incidence_matrix Graph Incidence Matrix.
induced_hypergraph Induced hypergraph.
intersection_set Is a hypergraph a star?
is.bi.conformal Conformal Hypergraphs
is.conformal Conformal Hypergraphs
is.empty.hypergraph Is the hypergraph empty.
is.forest Test if a graph is a tree or a forest.
is.helly Helly Property
is.hypergraph Is an object a hypergraph?
is.hypertree Test for hypertree.
is.linear Is a hypergraph simple/linear?
is.simple Is a hypergraph simple/linear?
is.star Is a hypergraph a star?
is.tree Test if a graph is a tree or a forest.
kCores K-Cores
knn_hypergraph K-Nearest Neighbor Hypergraph.
line.graph Line Graph
lse Adjacency spectral embedding.
make_empty_hypergraph Empty hypergraph.
pendant Pendant Vertices
plot.hypergraph Plot a hypergraph.
plotDegreeDistribution Degrees of a hypergraph.
plot_geom_hypergraph Construct a hypergraph from a random collection of points.
print.hypergraph Print a hypergraph to the console.
reduce.hypergraph Remove redundant hyperedges and isolated vertices.
remove.empty.hyperedges Remove redundant hyperedges and isolated vertices.
remove.isolates Remove redundant hyperedges and isolated vertices.
remove.loops Remove redundant hyperedges and isolated vertices.
remove.redundant.vertices Remove redundant vertices.
reorder_vertices Reorder the vertices of a hypergraph.
sample_geom_hypergraph Construct a hypergraph from a random collection of points.
sample_gnp_hypergraph Erdos-Renyi hypergraphs.
sample_k_regular_hypergraph Random k-uniform and k-regular hypergraphs.
sample_k_uniform_hypergraph Random k-uniform and k-regular hypergraphs.
sample_sbm_hypergraph Sample from a stochastic block model.
simplify.hypergraph Remove redundant hyperedges and isolated vertices.
subtree.hypergraph Subtree Hypergraph.
summary.hypergraph Print a summary of the hypergraph to the console.