'HydroPortail' Statistical Functions

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Documentation for package ‘HydroPortailStats’ version 1.0.3

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distInfo Information on available distributions
Generate Random numbers generator
GetCdf Cumulative Distribution Function (cdf)
GetEmpFreq Empirical nonexceedance frequency
GetEstimate_BAY Bayesian estimation of a distribution
GetEstimate_HYDRO2 Hydro2 estimate of a distribution
GetEstimate_LMOM L-Moment estimate of a distribution
GetEstimate_ML Maximum-likelihood estimate of a distribution
GetEstimate_MOM Moment estimate of a distribution
GetEstimate_ROUGH Rough estimate of a distribution
GetParFeas Parameter feasibility
GetParName Parameter names.
GetParNumber Number of parameters.
GetPdf Probability Density Function (pdf)
GetQfromT Get quantile from return period
GetQuantile Quantile Function
GetReducedVariate Reduced variate
GetTfromQ Get return period from value
GetUncertainty_ML Maximum-likelihood estimation of uncertainty
Hydro3_Estimation Hydro3 estimation
Hydro3_Plot Hydro3 plot
KS Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
mcmcoptions_def Default MCMC options
Metropolis_OAAT One-At-A-Time Metropolis sampler
Metropolis_OAAT_adaptive Adaptive One-At-A-Time Metropolis sampler
Metropolis_OAAT_jump One-At-A-Time Metropolis sampler
MK Mann-Kemdall Test
options_def Default estimation options
Pettitt Pettitt Test