rhineCCM2 {HydroCode} | R Documentation |
CCM2 River and Catchment of the Rhine Catchment, Rivers only
This spatial dataset is a subset of the data layer RIVERSEGMENTS
of the tile WGS84_W2003
from the CCM River and
Catchment Database v2.1 (Vogt et al. 2007). The original data format was
PGeo (ESRI Personal GeoDatabase).
The subset consists of rivers within the Rhine basin, i.e.
WSO_ID = 291110
. In order to save disk space,
the fields of the attribute table were shortened.
An Object of class SpatialLinesDataFrame with 30343 features. The attribute table comprises 2 fields:
int, unique river segment identifier
num, Pfafstetter code according to CCM2
The PROJ.4 string
is +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
CCM River and Catchment Database (C) European Commission - JRC, 2007.
J. Vogt, P. Soille, A. de Jager, E. Rimavičiūtė, W. Mehl, S. Foisneau, K. Bódis, et al., 2007, A Pan-European River and Catchment Database, Publications Office: Luxembourg, doi:10.2788/35907.
## Not run:
## get the flowpath from a head catchment to
## the sea
## Be patient, this might take a while.
system.time(fps <- 973842223 %up% rhineCCM2$PFAFSTETTER)
flowpath <- subset(rhineCCM2, subset = fps)
## does parallel threats increase the speed
## and provide the same results?
op.old <- options()
options("hydrocode.parallel" = TRUE)
system.time(fpp <- 973842223 %up% rhineCCM2$PFAFSTETTER)
all.equal(fps, fpp)
## reset previous settings
## End(Not run)