is.upstream {HydroCode}R Documentation

Comparison of Pfafstetter Coded Basins


One point (river segment or subbasin) with Pfafstetter code a on the water system can be queried for beeing upstream or downstream as compared to one or many points b on the water system.


is.upstream(a, b)

a %up% b

is.downstream(a, b)

a %down% b



numeric, Pfafstetter coded point


numeric, one or more Pfaffstetter coded points


For the scientific background of the Pfafstetter coding system see the literature reference.

The following option(s) can be set via, e.g. options("hydrocode.X" = XX):


logical. Defaults to FALSE. The runtime may or may not decrease for very large vectors (length > 50000) on multi-threading processors.


logical. Defaults to FALSE. This refers to the original Pfafstetter coding system and tests, whether all n numbers are odd, [13579]{n}. Hydrocodes that contain the digit 0 are interpreted as closed catchments (endorheic basins). This setting works, e.g. with the Pfafstetter coded table riversegments of CCM River and Catchment Database, v2.1 (European Commission - JRC, 2007; Vogt et al., 2007). For decoding the Pfafstetter coded tables of the HydroBASIN, v1c dataset (Lehner and Grill, 2013), this option should be set to options("hydrocode.alloddorzero" = TRUE). This tests for all n numbers are odd or zero, [013579]{n}.


a vector of type logical


A. L. de Jager and J. V. Vogt, 2010, Development and Demonstration of a Structured Hydrological Feature Coding System for Europe, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55, 661–75, doi:10.1080/02626667.2010.490786.

B. Lehner and G. Grill, 2013, Global river hydrography and network routing: baseline data and new approaches to study the world’s large river systems, Hydrological Processes, 27, 2171–2186, doi:10.1002/hyp.9740.

K. L. Verdin and J. P. Verdin, 1999, A topological system for delineation and codification of the Earth’s river basins, Journal of Hydrology, 218, 1–12, doi:10.1016/S0022-1694(99)00011-6.

J. Vogt, P. Soille, A. de Jager, E. Rimavičiūtė, W. Mehl, S. Foisneau, K. Bódis, et al., 2007, A Pan-European River and Catchment Database, Publications Office: Luxembourg, doi:10.2788/35907.

Wikipedia contributors, 2019, Pfafstetter Coding System, In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Retrieved 13:23, November 9, 2019,

See Also



## example from Wikipedia
## 8835 is upstream of segments 8833 and 8811,
## but not segments 8832, 8821 or 9135
dwn <- c(8833, 8811, 8832, 8821, 9135)
is.upstream(8835, dwn)

## works with operator
8835 %up% dwn

## this will produce errors
## Not run: 
is.upstream("12h", 123)
is.upstream(12.4, 123)

## End(Not run)

## example from Verdin and Verdin, 1999, p. 10
b <- c(8883, 8881, 8879, 8877, 8875, 8873, 8871, 8859,
       8857, 8855, 8853, 8851, 8839, 8837, 8835, 8833,
       8831, 8819, 8817, 8815, 8813, 8811, 8886, 8887,
       8888, 8889)
a <- 8885
a %down% b

## example from Vogt et al. (2007),
## pollution source at 464.
## Which subcatchments are
## affected? Mixed levels of subdivisions.
a <- 464
b <- c(465, 466, 467, 47, 48, 49,
       463, 461, 41, 43, 45, 452,
a %up% b

## same hydro codes return TRUE per default
112 %up% 112
112 %down% 112

[Package HydroCode version 1.0.3 Index]