Multicriteria Risk Management using Zero-Sum Games with Vector-Valued Payoffs that are Probability Distributions

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HyRiM-package Multicriteria Risk Management using Zero-Sum Games with Vector-Valued Payoffs that are Probability Distributions
cdf (cumulative) loss distribution function
density.mosg.lossdistribution construction and handling of loss distributions
disappointmentRate computation of the disappointment rate
HyRiM Multicriteria Risk Management using Zero-Sum Games with Vector-Valued Payoffs that are Probability Distributions
lossDistribution construction and handling of loss distributions
lossDistribution.mosg Construction and handling of multi-objective security games
mean.mosg.lossdistribution construction and handling of loss distributions
mgss compute a multi-goal security strategy
moment compute moments of loss distributions
mosg Construction and handling of multi-objective security games
plot.mosg Construction and handling of multi-objective security games
plot.mosg.equilibrium embodies all information related to a lexicographic Nash equilibrium computed by the function 'mgss'.
plot.mosg.lossdistribution construction and handling of loss distributions
preference Decision on preferences between loss distributions
print.mosg Construction and handling of multi-objective security games
print.mosg.equilibrium embodies all information related to a lexicographic Nash equilibrium computed by the function 'mgss'.
print.mosg.equilibrium.summary embodies all information related to a lexicographic Nash equilibrium computed by the function 'mgss'.
print.mosg.lossdistribution construction and handling of loss distributions
print.summary.mosg.lossdistribution construction and handling of loss distributions
quantile.mosg.lossdistribution construction and handling of loss distributions
summary.mosg.equilibrium embodies all information related to a lexicographic Nash equilibrium computed by the function 'mgss'.
summary.mosg.lossdistribution construction and handling of loss distributions
variance Computes the approximate variance of a loss distribution.
[.mosg Extract or replace parts of a game's payoff matrix
[<-.mosg Extract or replace parts of a game's payoff matrix