Hotelling's T^2 Test and Variants

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Documentation for package ‘Hotelling’ version 1.0-8

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Hotelling-package Hotelling
alr Additive log ratio transformation
bottle.df Bottle data
clr Centered log ratio transformation
container.df Container data
hotel.stat Calculate Hotelling's two sample T-squared test statistic
hotel.test Two-sample Hotelling's T-squared test
Hotelling Hotelling
hotelling.stat Calculate Hotelling's two sample T-squared test statistic
hotelling.test Two-sample Hotelling's T-squared test
hotelling.test.default Two-sample Hotelling's T-squared test
hotelling.test.formula Two-sample Hotelling's T-squared test
manova1.df manova1 data
plot.hotelling.test Plots the results from a permutation based version of Hotelling's T-squared test for the difference in two multivariate sample means
print.hotelling.test Prints the results from a Hotelling's T-squared test for the difference in two multivariate sample means
summarise Summary statistics for grouped data Summary statistics for grouped data
summarise.default Summary statistics for grouped data
summarise.formula Summary statistics for grouped data
summarize Summary statistics for grouped data