Building Networks of Hospitals Through Patients Transfers

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Documentation for package ‘HospitalNetwork’ version 0.9.3

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adjust_overlapping_stays Check and fix overlapping admissions.
all_admissions_summary Summary statistics on entire database
checkBase General check function
checkFormat Check database format
create_fake_subjectDB Create a fake subject database
create_fake_subjectDB_clustered Create a fake subject database with clustering
create_subject_stay Create a fake subject stay
edgelist_from_base Compute the edgelist of a network from a database of movements records.
get_betweenness Compute the betweenness centrality
get_closeness Compute closeness
get_clusters Compute the clusters
get_degree Compute the degree of each nodes in the network
get_hubs_bycluster Function computing hub scores of nodes by group
get_hubs_global Function computing hub scores for each node. If bycluster = TRUE, hub scores are computed by cluster
get_matrix_bycluster Function returning matrices of transfers within each by clusters
get_metrics Compute network metrics
HospiNet Class providing the HospiNet object with its methods
hospinet_from_subject_database Create HospiNet object from subject database
matrix_from_base Compute the adjacency matrix of a network from a database of movements records.
matrix_from_edgelist Compute the adjacency matrix of a network from its edgelist
per_facility_summary Function that extracts summary statistics from entire database