Summary Statistics for Histogram/Count Data

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Documentation for package ‘HistDat’ version 0.2.0

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HistDat-package 'HistDat': Summary statistics for histogram/count data
as.ecdf Converts an object to an empirical cumulative density function. This is a generic function.
as.ecdf-method Converts this histogram to an instance of the "ecdf" class, allowing the calculation of cumulative densities, and quantiles
as.vector-method Converts this histogram to a vector. Not recommended if there are many counts as this would result in an incredibly long vector
c-method Concatenate observations into this instance
HistDat The constructor function for the HistDat class. This is the only official way to create an instance of this class.
HistDat-class S4 class for histogram data
length-method Calculates the total number of observations in a histogram dataset
max-method Calculates the largest observation in the histogram dataset
mean-method Calculates the mean value of all observations in the histogram dataset
median-method Calculates the median value of the observations in the histogram dataset
min-method Calculates the smallest observation in the histogram dataset
quantile-method Returns the empirical quantiles of the observations represented by this class
range-method Calculates the range of values of the observations in the histogram dataset
sd-method Calculates the standard deviation of the observations in the histogram dataset
sort-method This is a dummy method so that sort can be applied to HistDat entries However it does nothing, because the values in a HistDat are sorted at the time of creation.
sub-method Index the histogram data
sum-method Calculates the sum of all observations in the histogram dataset
var-method Calculates the variance of observations in the histogram dataset
[-method Index the histogram data