HiClimR2nc {HiClimR}R Documentation

Export NetCDF-4 file for Hierarchical Climate Regionalization


HiClimR2nc is a helper function that exports region map and mean timeseries into NetCDF-4 file, using the ncdf4 package.


HiClimR2nc(y = NULL, ncfile = "HiClimR.nc", timeunit = "", dataunit = "")



a dendrogram tree produced by HiClimR.


Path and name of the NetCDF-4 file to be created.


an optional character string for the time units, A zero-length string (default: timeunit="") removes units attribute.


an optional character string for the data units, A zero-length string (default: timeunit="") removes units attribute.


HiClimR2nc function exports region map and mean timeseries from HiClimR tree into NetCDF-4 file, using the ncdf4 package. The NetCDF-4 file will be open to add other variables, if needed. It is important to close the created file using nc_close, which flushes any unwritten data to disk.


An object of class ncdf4, which has the fields described in nc_open.


Hamada S. Badr <badr@jhu.edu>, Benjamin F. Zaitchik <zaitchik@jhu.edu>, and Amin K. Dezfuli <amin.dezfuli@nasa.gov>.


Hamada S. Badr, Zaitchik, B. F. and Dezfuli, A. K. (2015): A Tool for Hierarchical Climate Regionalization, Earth Science Informatics, 8(4), 949-958, doi: 10.1007/s12145-015-0221-7.

Hamada S. Badr, Zaitchik, B. F. and Dezfuli, A. K. (2014): Hierarchical Climate Regionalization, Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), https://cran.r-project.org/package=HiClimR.

See Also

HiClimR, HiClimR2nc, validClimR, geogMask, coarseR, fastCor, grid2D and minSigCor.



## Load test case data
x <- TestCase$x

## Generate longitude and latitude mesh vectors
xGrid <- grid2D(lon = unique(TestCase$lon), lat = unique(TestCase$lat))
lon <- c(xGrid$lon)
lat <- c(xGrid$lat)

## Hierarchical Climate Regionalization
y <- HiClimR(x, lon = lon, lat = lat, lonStep = 1, latStep = 1, geogMask = FALSE,
    continent = "Africa", meanThresh = 10, varThresh = 0, detrend = TRUE,
    standardize = TRUE, nPC = NULL, method = "ward", hybrid = FALSE,
    kH = NULL, members = NULL, validClimR = TRUE, k = 12, minSize = 1,
    alpha = 0.01, plot = TRUE, colPalette = NULL, hang = -1, labels = FALSE)

## Not run: 

## Export region map and mean timeseries into NetCDF-4 file
y.nc <- HiClimR2nc(y=y, ncfile="HiClimR.nc", timeunit="years", dataunit="mm")
## The NetCDF-4 file is still open to add other variables or close it

## End(Not run)

[Package HiClimR version 2.2.1 Index]