HellCor {HellCor} | R Documentation |
The Hellinger Correlation
Empirical value of the Hellinger correlation between two continuous random variables X and Y.
HellCor(x, y, Kmax = 20L, Lmax = 20L, K = 0L, L = 0L,
alpha = 6.0, pval.comp = FALSE, conf.level = NULL,
B1 = 200, B2 = 200, C.version = TRUE)
x |
Sample of X-values. |
y |
Sample of Y-values. |
Kmax |
Maximal number of terms to consider in the expansion of the square root of the copula density in the basis of Legendre polynomials. |
Lmax |
Maximal number of terms to consider in the expansion of the square root of the copula density in the basis of Legendre polynomials. |
K |
If K and L are not equal to zero, and Kmax = Lmax = 0, the number of terms is set to K in the expansion of the square root of the copula density in the basis of Legendre polynomials. |
L |
If K and L are not equal to zero, and Kmax = Lmax = 0, the number of terms is set to L in the expansion of the square root of the copula density in the basis of Legendre polynomials. |
alpha |
Parameter of the Beta(alpha,alpha) distribution used to fix boundary issues through transformation when estimating the Hellinger correlation. |
pval.comp |
Logical. Should we compute the p-value? |
conf.level |
If not |
B1 |
Numeric. Number of Bootstrap replicates for the outer loop
in the double bootstrap procedure used to obtain the confidence
interval. Only used if |
B2 |
Numeric. Number of Bootstrap replicates for the inner loop
in the double bootstrap procedure used to obtain the confidence
interval. Only used if |
C.version |
Logical. If |
When Kmax = Lmax = K = L = 0
, the value returned in Hcor
is the
unnormalized version of the empirical Hellinger correlation.
List with the following components:
Hcor |
Value of the empirical Hellinger correlation. |
p.value |
The p-value associated to the null hypothesis that the Hellinger correlation is
equal to 0 (computed using a Monte-Carlo simulation). Will be
conf.int |
Confidence interval for the population Hellinger
correlation (computed using a double Bootstrap). Will be
Khat |
Value of |
Lhat |
Value of |
Geenens G., Lafaye de Micheaux P.
Geenens G., Lafaye de Micheaux P., (2018). The Hellinger correlation. (), –.
# We illustrate the application of our new measure using data extracted
# from a study on the coral reef published in
# [Graham, N.A.J. and Wilson, S.K. and Carr, P. and Hoey, A.S. and
# Jennings, S. and MacNeil, M.A. (2018), Seabirds enhance coral reef
# productivity and functioning in the absence of invasive rats, Nature,
# 559, 250--253.].
# The two variables we consider are the number of fishes and the nitrogen
# input by seabirds per hectare recorded on n = 12 islands in the Chagos
# Archipelago. Nitrogen input is an indirect measure of the abundance of
# seabirds. It is worthwhile to notice that nitrogen is absorbed by algae
# and that herbivorous fishes eat these algae. Fishes and birds living in
# two different worlds, it might seem odd to suspect a dependence between
# these two variables. Since our measure is tailored to capture dependence
# induced by a lurking variable, we can suspect the existence of such a
# hidden variable. This is indeed what researchers in (Graham et al., 2018)
# were able to show by finding that the presence and abundance of rats on
# an island had dramatic effects on the number of seabirds (the rats eating
# their eggs) and consequently on the input of nitrogen in seabirds' guano.
# In turn, this would diminish the abundance of algae and fishes eating
# these algae.
n <- nrow(Chagos)
par.save <- par()$mfrow
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(Chagos$Seabirds_ha, Chagos$Number_of_fishes, main = "Original data",
xlab = "Density of seabirds", ylab = "Density of fishes")
plot(rank(Chagos$Seabirds_ha) / (n + 1), rank(Chagos$Number_of_fishes) /
(n + 1), main = "Rank-Copula transformed data",
xlab = "Density of seabirds", ylab = "Density of fishes")
par(mfrow = par.save)
# Empirical Hellinger correlation
HellCor(Chagos$Seabirds_ha, Chagos$Number_of_fishes, pval.comp = TRUE)
# Pearson correlation
cor.test(Chagos$Seabirds_ha, Chagos$Number_of_fishes)
# Distance correlation
dcor.test(Chagos$Seabirds_ha, Chagos$Number_of_fishes, R = 200)
# Empirical Hellinger correlation
HellCor(Chagos$kg_N_ha_yr, Chagos$Seabirds_ha, pval.comp = TRUE)
# Pearson correlation
cor.test(Chagos$kg_N_ha_yr, Chagos$Seabirds_ha)
# Distance correlation
dcor.test(Chagos$kg_N_ha_yr, Chagos$Seabirds_ha, R = 200)
# Empirical Hellinger correlation
HellCor(Chagos$kg_N_ha_yr, Chagos$Number_of_fishes, pval.comp = TRUE)
# Pearson correlation
cor.test(Chagos$kg_N_ha_yr, Chagos$Number_of_fishes)
# Distance correlation
dcor.test(Chagos$kg_N_ha_yr, Chagos$Number_of_fishes, R = 200)
t.test(Chagos$kg_N_ha_yr ~ Chagos$Treatment)
# Geenens G., Lafaye de Micheaux P., (2020). The Hellinger correlation
# Figure 5.2
## Not run:
n <- 500
par(mfrow = c(3, 5))
XX <- .datagenW.corrected(n)
plot(XX, xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
etahat <- HellCor(XX[,1], XX[,2])$Hcor
title(main = substitute(W~~-~~hat(eta)==etahat, list(etahat =
round(etahat, 3))))
XX <- .datagenDiamond(n)
plot(XX, xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
etahat <- HellCor(XX[,1], XX[,2])$Hcor
title(main = substitute(Diamond~~-~~hat(eta)==etahat, list(etahat =
round(etahat, 3))))
XX <- .datagenParabola.corrected(n)
plot(XX, xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
etahat <- HellCor(XX[,1], XX[,2])$Hcor
title(main = substitute(Parabola~~-~~hat(eta)==etahat, list(etahat =
round(etahat, 3))))
XX <- .datagen2Parabolas.corrected(n)
plot(XX, xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
etahat<-HellCor(XX[,1], XX[,2])$Hcor
title(main = substitute(Two~~parabolae~~-~~hat(eta)==etahat, list(etahat
= round(etahat, 3))))
XX <- .datagenCircle.corrected(n)
plot(XX, xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
etahat <- HellCor(XX[,1], XX[,2])$Hcor
title(main = substitute(Circle~~-~~hat(eta)==etahat, list(etahat =
round(etahat, 3))))
XX <- .datagen4indclouds(n)
plot(XX, xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
etahat <- HellCor(XX[,1], XX[,2])$Hcor
title(main = substitute(4~~clouds~~-~~hat(eta)==etahat, list(etahat =
round(etahat, 3))))
XX <- .datagenCubic(n)
plot(XX, xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
etahat <- HellCor(XX[,1], XX[,2])$Hcor
title(main = substitute(Cubic~~-~~hat(eta)==etahat, list(etahat =
round(etahat, 3))))
XX <- .datagenSine(n)
plot(XX, xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
etahat <- HellCor(XX[,1], XX[,2])$Hcor
title(main = substitute(Sine~~-~~hat(eta)==etahat, list(etahat =
round(etahat, 3))))
XX <- .datagenWedge(n)
plot(XX, xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
etahat <- HellCor(XX[,1], XX[,2])$Hcor
title(main = substitute(Wedge~~-~~hat(eta)==etahat, list(etahat =
round(etahat, 3))))
XX <- .datagenCross(n)
plot(XX, xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
etahat <- HellCor(XX[,1], XX[,2])$Hcor
title(main = substitute(Cross~~-~~hat(eta)==etahat, list(etahat =
round(etahat, 3))))
XX <- .datagenSpiral(n, sigma = 0.05)
plot(XX, xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
etahat <- HellCor(XX[,1], XX[,2])$Hcor
title(main = substitute(Spiral~~-~~hat(eta)==etahat, list(etahat =
round(etahat, 3))))
XX <- .datagen4Circles(n)
plot(XX, xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
etahat <- HellCor(XX[,1], XX[,2])$Hcor
title(main = substitute(Circles~~-~~hat(eta)==etahat, list(etahat =
round(etahat, 3))))
XX <- .datagenHeavisine(n)
plot(XX, xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
etahat <- HellCor(XX[,1], XX[,2])$Hcor
title(main = substitute(Heavisine~~-~~hat(eta)==etahat, list(etahat =
round(etahat, 3))))
XX <- .datagenDoppler(n)
plot(XX, xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
etahat<-HellCor(XX[,1], XX[,2])$Hcor
title(main = substitute(Doppler~~-~~hat(eta)==etahat, list(etahat =
round(etahat, 3))))
XX <- .datagen5Clouds(n)
plot(XX, xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
etahat <- HellCor(XX[,1], XX[,2])$Hcor
title(main = substitute(5~~clouds~~-~~hat(eta)==etahat, list(etahat =
round(etahat, 3))))
## End(Not run)
# Birth rate vs Death rate #
x <- wdemographics$Death.Rate.Pop
y <- wdemographics$Birth.Rate.Pop
plot(x, y, xlab = "DEATHS/1,000 POPULATION", ylab =
"BIRTHS/1,000 POPULATION", main =
"Birth rate vs Death rate for 229 countries and territories (in 2020)", col = "orangered", pch = 20)
text(x, y, labels = wdemographics$Country, pos = 3, cex = 0.4, offset = 0.2)
## Not run:
HellCor(x, y, pval.comp = TRUE)
cor.test(x, y) # Pearson
dcor.test(x, y, R = 200)
## End(Not run)