Analyzing Case-Parent Triad and/or Case-Control Data with SNP Haplotypes

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Documentation for package ‘Haplin’ version 7.3.1

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cbindFiles Combine a sequence of files by columns
finishParallelRun Closing the Rmpi cluster
genDataGetPart Extracting part of genetic data.
genDataLoad Loading the data previously read in and saved by "genDataRead"
genDataPreprocess Pre-processing of the genetic data
genDataRead Reading the genetic data from a file
getChildren Getter for all rows with children data
getDyads Getter only for all dyads (child and one parent)
getFathers Getter for all rows with fathers' data
getFullTriads Getter for all full triads
getMothers Getter for all rows with mothers' data
gxe Test for gene-environment interaction
haplin Fitting log-linear models to case-parent triad and/or case-control data
haplinSlide Run haplin analysis in a series of sliding windows over a sequence of markers/SNPs
haplinStrat Fit 'haplin' to each subset/stratum of data, determined by the argument 'strata'
hapPower Power simulation for association analyses with Haplin
hapPowerAsymp Asymptotic power calculations for genetic association analyses with Haplin
hapRelEff Relative efficiency comparing different study designs in genetic association analysis with Haplin
hapRun Simulates genetic data and runs Haplin for each simulation
hapSim Simulation of genetic data in Haplin format
haptable Create haplin table
initParallelRun Initialization of the Rmpi cluster
lineByLine Line-by-line modification of files
nfam Count the number of families in the data
nindiv Count the number of individuals in the data
nsnps Count the number of markers in the data
output Save files with summary, table, and plot from a haplin object.
plot.haplin Plot a haplin object
plot.haplinSlide Plotter function for haplinSlide.
plot.haplinStrat Plotter function for haplinStrat results.
plot.haptable Plot a haptable object
plotPValues Plotting p-values for relative risks
pQQ QQ-plot with confidence intervals for a vector of p-values
print.haplin Print a haplin object
print.summary.haplin Print the summary of a haplin object
rbindFiles Combine a sequence of files by rows
showGen Display chosen genotypes
showPheno Display phenotype part of data
showSNPnames Display marker names
snpPos Find the column numbers of SNP identifiers/SNP numbers in a ped file
snpPower Power calculations for a single SNP
snpSampleSize Sample size calculations for a single SNP
suest Compute a joint p-value for a list of haplin fits (usually from a sliding window approach), correcting for multiple testing.
summary.haplin Summary of a haplin object
toDataFrame Stack dataframes from haplinSlide into a single dataframe