HadamardR-package |
Hadamard Matrices |
antidiagnol |
antidiagnol |
baseseq |
baseseq |
base_to_T |
Base_to_T |
cdn_baumert |
cdn_baumert |
cdn_cooper |
cdn_cooper |
cdn_ehlich |
cdn_ehlich |
cdn_goethals_base |
cdn_goethals_base |
cdn_goethals_T |
cdn_goethals_T |
cdn_goethals_Turyn |
cdn_goethals_Turyn |
cdn_kronecker_matrix |
cdn_kronecker_matrix |
cdn_miyamoto |
cdn_miyamoto |
cdn_PaleyI |
cdn_PaleyI Checks Hadamard Matrix can be constructed using Paley I method. |
cdn_PaleyII |
cdn_PaleyII Checks Hadamard Matrix can be constructed using Paley II method. |
cdn_PaleyIIprimepower |
cdn_PaleyIIprimepower checks Hadamard Matrix can be constructed using Paley II method. |
cdn_PaleyIprimepower |
cdn_PaleyIprimepower checks Hadamard Matrix can be constructed using Paley I method. |
cdn_sds |
cdn_sds |
cdn_williamson |
cdn_williamson |
check_hadamard |
check_hadamard |
circulant_mat |
circulant_mat |
get_cooper |
get_cooper |
Get_method |
Get_method |
GFCheck |
GFCheck |
GFM GFM Generate Multiplication table of GF(p^r), where p is a prime power. |
GFMult |
GFMult GFMult Generate Multiplication table of GF(p^r), where p is a prime power. |
GFPrimeAdd |
GFPrimeAdd |
GFPrimeMult |
GFPrimeMult GFPrimeMult creates Multiplication Table for GF(p), where p is a prime number |
goethals_seidel_array |
goethals_seidel_array |
Hadamard_Matrix |
Hadamard_Matrix |
Hadamard_matrix_method |
Hadamard_Matrix_method |
had_baumert |
had_baumert |
had_cooper |
had_cooper |
had_ehlich |
had_ehlich |
had_goethals_base |
had_goethals_base |
had_goethals_T |
had_goethals_T had_goethals_Turyn performs the Hadamard Matrix from Goethals-Seidel method by using T sequences. |
had_goethals_Turyn |
had_goethals_Turyn |
had_kronecker |
had_kronecker |
Had_method |
Had_method |
had_miyamoto |
had_miyamoto |
had_SDS |
had_SDS |
had_williamson |
had_williamson |
Initial_row_SDS |
Initial_row_SDS Initial_row_SDS is an internal function.Not Exported. |
is.prime |
is.prime |
is.primepower |
is.primepower |
is_divisible |
is_divisible |
Jmat |
Jmat |
kronecker_matrix |
kronecker_matrix |
kro_method |
kro_method |
method1_paleyII |
method1_paleyII |
method2_paleyII |
method2_paleyII |
miyamotoC |
miyamotoC |
nextElem |
nextElem |
Normcol |
Normcol Normcol performs the Normalisation of column the given matrix. |
Normrow |
Normrow Normcol performs the Normalisation of row the given matrix. |
PaleyI |
PaleyI |
PaleyII |
PaleyII |
PaleyIIPrimePower |
PaleyIIPrimePower |
PaleyIPrimePower |
PaleyIPrimePower |
ply1 |
ply1 |
ply2 |
ply2 |
pow |
pow |
qhad2 |
qhad2 |
QPrimePower |
QPrimePower QPrimePower creats the Quadratic residues of the prime number. |
quadprime |
quadprime |
seq_williamson |
seq_williamson |
Turyn_seq |
Turyn_seq Turyn_seq performs the selection of the Turyn sequences from dataset. It is internal function not exported. |
Turyn_to_T |
Turyn_to_T internal function. converts Turyn sequences to Base Sequences. |
T_seq |
T_seq T_seq performs the selection of the T sequences from dataset.internal function not exported. |