Hadamard Matrix Generation

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Documentation for package ‘HadamardR’ version 1.0.0

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HadamardR-package Hadamard Matrices
antidiagnol antidiagnol
baseseq baseseq
base_to_T Base_to_T
cdn_baumert cdn_baumert
cdn_cooper cdn_cooper
cdn_ehlich cdn_ehlich
cdn_goethals_base cdn_goethals_base
cdn_goethals_T cdn_goethals_T
cdn_goethals_Turyn cdn_goethals_Turyn
cdn_kronecker_matrix cdn_kronecker_matrix
cdn_miyamoto cdn_miyamoto
cdn_PaleyI cdn_PaleyI Checks Hadamard Matrix can be constructed using Paley I method.
cdn_PaleyII cdn_PaleyII Checks Hadamard Matrix can be constructed using Paley II method.
cdn_PaleyIIprimepower cdn_PaleyIIprimepower checks Hadamard Matrix can be constructed using Paley II method.
cdn_PaleyIprimepower cdn_PaleyIprimepower checks Hadamard Matrix can be constructed using Paley I method.
cdn_sds cdn_sds
cdn_williamson cdn_williamson
check_hadamard check_hadamard
circulant_mat circulant_mat
get_cooper get_cooper
Get_method Get_method
GFCheck GFCheck
GFM GFM GFM Generate Multiplication table of GF(p^r), where p is a prime power.
GFMult GFMult GFMult Generate Multiplication table of GF(p^r), where p is a prime power.
GFPrimeAdd GFPrimeAdd
GFPrimeMult GFPrimeMult GFPrimeMult creates Multiplication Table for GF(p), where p is a prime number
goethals_seidel_array goethals_seidel_array
Hadamard_Matrix Hadamard_Matrix
Hadamard_matrix_method Hadamard_Matrix_method
had_baumert had_baumert
had_cooper had_cooper
had_ehlich had_ehlich
had_goethals_base had_goethals_base
had_goethals_T had_goethals_T had_goethals_Turyn performs the Hadamard Matrix from Goethals-Seidel method by using T sequences.
had_goethals_Turyn had_goethals_Turyn
had_kronecker had_kronecker
Had_method Had_method
had_miyamoto had_miyamoto
had_SDS had_SDS
had_williamson had_williamson
Initial_row_SDS Initial_row_SDS Initial_row_SDS is an internal function.Not Exported.
is.prime is.prime
is.primepower is.primepower
is_divisible is_divisible
Jmat Jmat
kronecker_matrix kronecker_matrix
kro_method kro_method
method1_paleyII method1_paleyII
method2_paleyII method2_paleyII
miyamotoC miyamotoC
nextElem nextElem
Normcol Normcol Normcol performs the Normalisation of column the given matrix.
Normrow Normrow Normcol performs the Normalisation of row the given matrix.
PaleyI PaleyI
PaleyII PaleyII
PaleyIIPrimePower PaleyIIPrimePower
PaleyIPrimePower PaleyIPrimePower
ply1 ply1
ply2 ply2
pow pow
qhad2 qhad2
QPrimePower QPrimePower QPrimePower creats the Quadratic residues of the prime number.
quadprime quadprime
seq_williamson seq_williamson
Turyn_seq Turyn_seq Turyn_seq performs the selection of the Turyn sequences from dataset. It is internal function not exported.
Turyn_to_T Turyn_to_T internal function. converts Turyn sequences to Base Sequences.
T_seq T_seq T_seq performs the selection of the T sequences from dataset.internal function not exported.