Hydraulic Roughness Calculator

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Documentation for package ‘HYDROCAL’ version 1.0.0

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mannings_to_darcy Convert Manning's n to Darcy-Weisbach f
n_bathurst1985 Compute grain roughness via Bathurst (1985)
n_brownlie1981 Compute form roughness via Brownlie (1981)
n_cowan1956 Compute hydraulic roughness following Cowan (1956)
n_direct Compute total channel roughness via direct field measurement
n_engelund1967 Compute form roughness following Engelund and Hansen (1967)
n_fischenich2000 Compute hydraulic roughness due to vegetation following Fischenich (2000)
n_freeman2000 Compute hydraulic roughness due to vegetation following Freeman, Rahymeyer, and Copeland (2000)
n_jarrett1984 Compute grain roughness via Jarrett (1984)
n_limerinos1970 Compute grain roughness following Limerinos (1970)
n_maynord1991 Compute grain roughness following Maynord (1991)
n_strickler1923 Compute grain roughness following Strickler (1923)
n_vanrijn1984 Compute channel form roughness following Van Rijn (1984)
n_wong2006 Compute grain roughness following Wong and Parker (2006)