Homogenous Segmentation for Spatial Lines Data

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Documentation for package ‘HS’ version 1.1

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cda Cummulative difference approach (CDA) for homogeneous segmentation of spatial lines data.
deflection Road deflection dataset.
findbreak Find spaital breaking locations and add a column of breaks.
hs Homogeneous segmentation function with continuous variables.
hsctg Homogeneous segmentation function with both categorical and continous variables.
mcv Minimization coefficient of variation (MCV) for homogeneous segmentation of spatial lines data.
plot.segcompare Segments comparison of different homogeneous segmentations methods.
preprocessing Preprocessing for field monitoring data.
print.segcompare Segments comparison of different homogeneous segmentations methods.
print.segsummary Statistical summary of homogeneous segments.
segbycategory Segmentation with categorical variables.
segcompare Segments comparison of different homogeneous segmentations methods.
segid.matrix A matrix of segmentations with different methods for data "tsdwa".
segplot Visualization of homogeneous segments.
segsmooth Smoothing data using the moving average method for the homogeneous segmentation.
segsummary Statistical summary of homogeneous segments.
shs Spatial heterogeneity-based segmentation (SHS) for homogeneous segmentation of spatial lines data.
splitlong Split long segments to segments within length threshold.
tsdwa Traffic speed deflectometer (TSD) data of pavement deteriorations.