Read Human Mortality Database and Human Fertility Database Data from the Web

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Documentation for package ‘HMDHFDplus’ version 2.0.3

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age2int 'age2int()' convert the Age column from standard HMD or HFD tables to integer
getCHMDprovinces get a named vector of CHMD province codes
getHFCcountries getHFCcountries a function to grab all present country codes used in the Human Fertility Collection
getHFDcountries internal function for grabbing the HFD country short codes.
getHFDdate internal function for grabbing the date of last update for a given HFD country
getHFDitemavail List the available data item names for a given HFD country.
getHMDcountries internal function for grabbing the HMD country short codes.
getHMDitemavail internal function for grabbing the available data item names for a given country.
getJMDprefectures get a named vector of JMD prefecture codes
HFCparse HFCparse internal function for modifying freshly read HCD data in its standard form
HFDparse internal function for modifying freshly read HFD data in its standard form
HMDparse internal function for modifying freshly read HMD data in its standard form
readCHMDweb read data from the Canadian Human Mortality Database into R
readHFD 'readHFD()' reads a standard HFD .txt table as a 'data.frame'
readHFDweb read an HFD data file directly from the web as an R data.frame
readHMD 'readHMD()' reads a standard HMD .txt table as a 'data.frame'
readHMDweb readHMDweb a basic HMD data grabber.
readJMDweb read data from the Japan Mortality Database into R
userInput userInput let the user type in a character string