InsertVerticalPanels {HH}R Documentation

Expand a 3D array on the second dimension, inserting empty layers where the input vector has a 0 value. A 2D argument x with dim(x)==c(r,c) is first extended to 3D with dim(x)==c(1,r,c), and then the result is collapsed back to 2D.


Expand a 3D array on the second dimension, inserting empty layers where the input vector has a 0 value. A 2D argument x with dim(x)==c(r,c) is first extended to 3D with dim(x)==c(1,r,c), and then the result is collapsed back to 2D.


InsertVerticalPanels(x, expansion, newRowheights=5, newValue=NA)



Three-dimensional array, for example, one defined as a set of matrices for the likert and related functions. x[1,,] and more generally x[i,,] will be an argument to likert.


Vector of 0 and 1, with 1 indicating an existing layer in dimension 2, and 0 a placeholder for where a new layer in dimension 2 should be inserted.


Value to be used for inserted row by likertWeighted function.


Value to be inserted in all positions of inserted layer.


Array similarly structured to the input array x, but with more layers on the second dimension. The "rowheights" attribute gives the rowheights used by EmphasizeVerticalPanels. The newRows gives the row (second dimension) numbers in the result that are the generated values. All data items in the newRows will have value in the newValue argument.


Richard M. Heiberger <>

See Also



x <- array(1:24, c(3, 4, 2),
                dimnames = list(letters[1:3], LETTERS[4:7], letters[8:9]))

expansion <- c(1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
result <- InsertVerticalPanels(x, expansion)

Pop.labels1 <- result[1,, ]
Pop.labels1[ attr(result, "newRows"),] <- " "

Pop.labels2 <- result[2,, ]
Pop.labels2[ attr(result, "newRows"),] <- " "

Pct.labels1 <- format(round(HH::rowPcts(result[1,, ])))
Pct.labels1[ attr(result, "newRows"),] <- " "

Pct.labels2 <- format(round(HH::rowPcts(result[2,, ])))
Pct.labels2[ attr(result, "newRows"),] <- " "

[Package HH version 3.1-52 Index]