Identify and Correct Invalid HGNC Human Gene Symbols and MGI Mouse Gene Symbols

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Documentation for package ‘HGNChelper’ version 0.8.1

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HGNChelper-package Handy functions for working with HGNC gene symbols and Affymetrix probeset identifiers.
affyToR Title function to convert Affymetrix probeset identifiers to valid R names
checkGeneSymbols Title Identify outdated or Excel-mogrified gene symbols
findExcelGeneSymbols Title function to identify Excel-mogrified gene symbols
getCurrentHumanMap Get the current maps for correcting gene symbols
getCurrentMaps Get the current maps for correcting gene symbols
getCurrentMouseMap Get the current maps for correcting gene symbols
hgnc.table All current and withdrawn HGNC gene symbols and Excel mogrifications.
mouse.table All current and withdrawn MGI mouse symbols and Excel mogrifications.
rToAffy Title function to convert the output of affyToR back to the original Affymetrix probeset identifiers.
rToSymbol Title function to reverse the conversion made by symbolToR
symbolToR Title function to *reversibly* convert HGNC gene symbols to valid R names.