tb_diagnosis_raw {HDSinRdata} | R Documentation |
Data from TB study in South Africa (Kharitode Study)
Demographic and health data collected from primary care clinic patients presenting with TB symptoms in rural South Africa.
A data frame with 1634 rows and 34 variables:
- consent
Did the individual consent to participate in the study? (1 = Yes)
- new_suspect_fac
Is the participant a patient recently tested for TB? (1 = Yes)
- ic_adult_fac
Has informed consent been provided by the participant if age 18 or older? (1 = Yes; 2 = No; 77 = Under 18)
- ic_adol_fac
Has parental consent and adolescent/child assent been provided if the participant is less than 18 years of age? (1 = Yes, 2 = No)
- facility_crf_complete
Complete? (2 = Yes)
- xpert_status_fac
Is the participant TB-negative or TB-positive? (1 = Positive; 2 = Negative)
- age_group
Age group
- sex
Sex (1 = Male; 2 = Female)
- hiv_status_fac
What is your HIV status? (1 = Positive, 2 = Negative, 3 = Unknown, 99 = Refused)
- other_conditions_fac___1
Do you have any other medical conditions? – None
- other_conditions_fac___3
Do you have any other medical conditions? – Diabetes
- other_conditions_fac___88
Do you have any other medical conditions? – Refused
- other_conditions_fac___99
Do you have any other medical conditions? – Missing
- symp_fac___1
On the day of your clinic visit, which of the following symptoms did you have? – Cough
- symp_fac___2
On the day of your clinic visit, which of the following symptoms did you have? – Fever
- symp_fac___3
On the day of your clinic visit, which of the following symptoms did you have? – Weight loss
- symp_fac___4
On the day of your clinic visit, which of the following symptoms did you have? – Drenching sweats at night
- symp_fac___5
On the day of your clinic visit, which of the following symptoms did you have? – Pain in my chest
- symp_fac___11
On the day of your clinic visit, which of the following symptoms did you have? – No symptoms
- symp_fac___99
On the day of your clinic visit, which of the following symptoms did you have? – Missing
- length_symp_unit_fac
How long had you had that symptom before you came to clinic that day? Enter unit of response. (1 = Days, 2 = Weeks, 3 = Months, 4 = Years, 77 = Unknown)
- length_symp_mnt_fac
How long had you had that symptom before you came to clinic that day? Length of time in months.
- length_symp_yr_fac
How long had you had that symptom before you came to clinic that day? Length of time in years.
- length_symp_days_fac
How long had you had that symptom before you came to clinic that day? Length of time in days.
- length_symp_wk_fac
How long had you had that symptom before you came to clinic that day? Length of time in weeks.
- educ_fac
What is the highest grade of education that you have attained? (0 = None; 1 = Grade 1; 2 = Grade 2; 3 = Grade 3; 4 = Grade 4; 5 = Grade 5; 6 = Grade 6; 7 = Grade 7; 8 = Grade 8; 9 = Grade 9; 10 = Grade 10; 11 = Grade 11; 12 = Grade 12; 13 = Any postgraduate education; 14 = Attained postgraduate degree; 99 = Missing)
- on_arvs_fac
Are you currently taking antiretrovirals for your HIV? (1 = Yes; 2 = No; 77 = Don't know or not applicable)
- smk_fac
Do you smoke tobacco? (1 = Yes; 2 = Not currently, but formerly; 3 = No, never; 88 = Refused; 99 = Missing)
- dx_tb_past_fac
Have you ever been diagnosed with TB in the past? (1 = Yes, 2 = No, 77 = Don't know)
- seek_care_unit_fac
If you were to develop a mild cough, how long would it likely be before you saw a doctor or other healthcare professional for a diagnosis? Unit of response. (1 = Days; 2 = Weeks; 3 = Months; 4 = Years; 77 = Don't know)
- seek_care_days_fac
If you were to develop a mild cough, how long would it likely be before you saw a doctor or other healthcare professional for a diagnosis? Length of time in days.
- seek_care_wks_fac
If you were to develop a mild cough, how long would it likely be before you saw a doctor or other healthcare professional for a diagnosis? Length of time in weeks
- seek_care_mth_fac
If you were to develop a mild cough, how long would it likely be before you saw a doctor or other healthcare professional for a diagnosis? Length of time in months.
- seek_care_yr_fac
If you were to develop a mild cough, how long would it likely be before you saw a doctor or other healthcare professional for a diagnosis? Length of time in years.
Baik, Y., Rickman, H. M., Hanrahan, C. F., Mmolawa, L., Kitonsa, P. J., Sewelana, T., Nalutaaya, A., Kendall, E. A., Lebina, L., Martinson, N., Katamba, A., & Dowdy, D. W. (2020). A clinical score for identifying active tuberculosis while awaiting microbiological results: Development and validation of a multivariable prediction model in sub-Saharan Africa. PLoS medicine, 17(11), e1003420. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1003420
The data are held in the Johns Hopkins University Data Services database and available at doi:10.7281/T1/W2AG3A.