new_MV_portfolio_traditional {HDShOP}R Documentation

Traditional mean-variance portfolio


Mean-variance portfolios with the traditional (sample) estimators for the mean vector and the covariance matrix of asset returns. For more details of the method, see MVShrinkPortfolio. new_MV_portfolio_traditional is for the case p<n, while new_MV_portfolio_traditional_pgn is for p>n, where p is the number of assets and n is the number of observations.


new_MV_portfolio_traditional(x, gamma)

new_MV_portfolio_traditional_pgn(x, gamma)



a p by n matrix or a data frame of asset returns. Rows represent different assets, columns – observations.


a numeric variable. Coefficient of risk aversion.


an object of class MeanVar_portfolio

Element Description
call the function call with which it was created
cov_mtrx the sample covariance matrix of asset returns
inv_cov_mtrx the inverse of the sample covariance matrix
means sample mean estimator of the asset returns
W_mv_hat sample estimator of portfolio weights
Port_Var portfolio variance
Port_mean_return expected portfolio return
Sharpe portfolio Sharpe ratio


n <- 3e2 # number of realizations
p <- .5*n # number of assets
gamma <- 1

x <- matrix(data = rnorm(n*p), nrow = p, ncol = n)

test <- new_MV_portfolio_traditional(x=x, gamma=gamma)

[Package HDShOP version 0.1.5 Index]