control_list {HDJM} | R Documentation |
This list contains a list of parameters specifying the joint model.
ID_name the variable name for the patient ID in both longitudinal data and survival data.
item_name the variable name for the longitudinal outcomes in the longitudinal data.
value_name the variable name for the longitudinal measurements in the longitudinal data.
time_name the variable name for the measurement timepoints in the longitudinal data.
fix_cov a set of variables names indicating the covariates of fixed-effects in the longitudinal submodel. If NULL, not baseline covariates are included.
random_cov a set of variables names indicating the covariates of random-effects in the longitudinal submodel. If NULL, not baseline covariates are included.
FUN a function specifying the time-related basis functions in the longitudinal submodel.
ran_time_ind a vector of integers specifying which time-related basis functions are also included with random-effects in the longitudinal submodel.
surv_time_name the variable name for the survival time in the survival data.
surv_status_name the variable name for the censoring indicator in the survival data.
surv_cov a set of variables names specifying the baseline covariates in the survival submodel.
n_points an integer indicating the numebr of nodes being used in the Gaussian quadrature.
Jiehuan Sun